Ron Choong, S.T.M.

Class of 

I am into my 25th year of an evolving research project which seeks to build a global narrative of humanity, its origins, migrations, development of language, moral thought, religious ideologies, as well as scientific discoveries and technological innovations that led to medical advances.

My method includes a strong orientation to field research with boots-on-the-ground confirmation of written materials. I bring with me a lawyer’s training in suspending final judgments, a philosopher’s training in seeking counter factual, a scientist’s training in finding evidential causes for all measurable effects & a theologian’s openness to metaphysical/spiritual dimensions of reality. Hopefully, such an
interdisciplinary approach borne out of my training in different fields of inquiry may add a modicum of knowledge to humanity which may in some small way mitigate the deep tribalism and distrust we have for each other.

I seek to show how similar we really are and all our differences are either cultural or skin deep, fueled by a politic of hatred and economic greed, often expressed in religions disguised as spirituality. My ultimate goal is to learn to connect with and worship God simply because God is.