Philo of Alexandria - Studia Philonica Annual
The Studia Philonica Annual is a scholarly journal devoted to furthering the study of Hellenistic Judaism, and in particular of the writings and thought of the great Hellenistic-Jewish writer Philo of Alexandria (circa 15 B.C.E. to circa 50 C.E.). Volume 36 was published in November 2024. The contents of this volume can be found here.
It contains the following sections (although not all sections appear in every volume):
- Articles presenting the results of new research;
- Special sections presenting discussions held at seminars and conferences;
- Review articles discussing important books or research developments;
- Instruments of research;
- Annual bibliographies of Philonic scholarship compiled by the team of the International Philo Bibliography Project;
- Reviews of books on Philo and other aspects of Hellenistic Judaism;
- News and notes about conferences and other events.
The journal will consider the publication of articles on the Septuagint if they are not too technical. Articles on Josephus will be considered if they focus on his relation to Judaism and classical culture.
The Studia Philonica Annual is closely associated with the Philo of Alexandria Group that convenes annually at the AAR/SBL meetings in North America. Read more about the origins and history of the Journal.
Editorial Board
The Journal is compiled each year through the close co-operation of the following scholars:
David T. Runia, University of Melbourne and Australian Catholic University, Australia
Gregory E. Sterling, Yale University, U.S.A.
Book Review Editor:
Justin M. Rogers, Freed-Hardeman University, Tennessee
The Studia Philonica Annual is a double-blind refereed journal.
Advisory board
In the carrying out of its duties the Editorial Board is assisted by an international advisory board.
The Studia Philonica Annual is published by SBL Press (link is external).
How to contribute
Scholars are encouraged to submit manuscripts for publication if they deal with subjects that fall within the Journal’s scope. Manuscripts are to be sent to the editor, Gregory E. Sterling (link sends e-mail). Manuscripts will only be considered for acceptance if they follow the instructions to contributors found at the end of each volume.
Where to send books for review
Authors and publishers are invited to send books for review to the Book Review Editor, Justin Rogers (link sends e-mail).
How to place a standing order
The Studia Philonica Annual is published by SBL Press(link is external) (link is external). Those who wish to place such a standing order are asked to contact the SBL Press distributor at (link sends e-mail)sblpressorders@aidcvt.com (link sends e-mail)(
How to purchase the Annual
Institutions and individuals may order current or previous issues through the SBL Press (link is external)website or by emailing sblpressorders@aidcvt.com (link sends e-mail). Volumes are also available online through Amazon.com. (link is external)
Contents of current and previous volumes
The most recent volume of the Annual, number 36, was published in 2024. For the contents of this and all previous volumes, visit the contents page.
Some recent volumes are available in pdf form to scholars from the developing world. For further details see http://www.sbl-site.org/publications/onlinebooks.aspx (link is external)
A number of volumes are Festschrifts in honour of distinguished Philo scholars. These are:
- Volume III (1991), in honour of Earl Hilgert
- Volume IX (1997), in honour of David Winston
- Volume XII (2001), in honour of David Hay
- Volume XXVIII (2016), in honour of David Runia
- Volume XXXII (2020), in honor of Gregory Sterling
Information about contributors to The Studia Philonica Annual is found at the back of each volume. This information includes a postal and an electronic address, which are correct as of the time of publication. For the latest list of contributors, see here.
Philo of Alexandria Seminar
The Studia Philonica Annual works in close cooperation with the Philo of Alexandria Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature. Chair of the steering committee is Justin Rogers. Papers presented in the Seminar are often published in the Annual. Scholars wishing to have more information about the Philo of Alexandria Seminar are advised to contact Michael B. Cover (link is external).
The Studia Philonica Monograph Series
Monographs on Philo and Hellenistic Judaism are published by SBL Press (link is external).
- The bibliographical material on Philo in The Studia Philonica Annual is provided by The International Philo of Alexandria Bibliography Project. Scholars are encouraged to send relevant publications or information on such to the project’s director, David T. Runia.
- The Studia Philonica Annual is also closely linked to The Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series (PACS) Project. Director of the project is Gregory E. Sterling. The volumes of this series are published by Brill, Leiden (link is external). So far eight volumes have been published. SBL publishes paperback editions of these volumes two years after they have been released by Brill in cloth.
A Philonica et Neotestamentica blog (link is external) has been established and maintained by Torrey Seland. See also his Resource Pages for Biblical Studies (link is external).