Tracing its roots back to 1806 in Andover, Massachusetts, Andover Newton Seminary has long been known as “the school of the church” in denominations whose polity is “congregational,” such as the United Church of Christ (UCC) and American Baptist Churches (ABCUSA). Having formally affiliated in 2018, Andover Newton Seminary is the newest partner on the Quad. The seminary’s mission is: “Deeply rooted in Christian faith and radically open to what God is doing now, Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School educates inspiring leaders for faith communities.”
Andover Newton retains its distinctive identity through an independent board of trustees, its founding dean, faculty, and dedicated staff members. Andover Newton’s students are admitted by and fully enrolled as members of YDS. Students who are members of Andover Newton Seminary arrive at YDS with a particular focus on ministerial formation. As members of locally-governed congregational communities, students are formed by the centrality of congregational community, attention to spiritual life, and a concentrated course of study in the formation for ministry. At the same time, they are incorporated into the rigorous academic program of a divinity school with a world-renowned faculty and library and have access to the full resources of the professional schools, departments, and extracurricular programs of Yale University. Andover Newton students are challenged on a daily basis by a lively ecumenical academic life as they engage faculty and colleagues from every variety of the Christian tradition, even as they follow a routine of gathering, worship, colloquia, and hands-on practical pastoral experience.
Andover Newton students enrolled at YDS earn a degree from YDS and a non-degree diploma, which certifies their preparation for ministry in partner traditions, from Andover Newton. Through YDS, Andover Newton funds faculty and programs, and it offers scholarship support to students.
All admissions to Andover Newton Seminary are administered through YDS. Applicants interested in pursuing the program at Andover Newton Seminary should use the YDS application for admission, indicating their desire to enroll in the Andover Newton program. For further information, please contact Andover Newton at 409 Prospect Street, New Haven CT 06511, telephone 203.436.9970, or visit the website at

Sarah Drummond

Tracy Edwards