Emily Bakemeier (ex-officio)

Vice Provost
2 Whitney Avenue (Whitney Grove Square Bldg), Suite 400, Room 446

Emily Bakemeier is vice provost, with a portfolio that includes the School of Art, the Institute of Sacred Music, the Norfolk Summer Programs, the Yale Alumni Magazine, and the arts and humanities at Yale more generally.  As part of her responsibilities, Emily is a member of the Divinity School Dean’s Advisory Council and she is member of the Board of Trustees of the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.  She is also responsible for specific aspects of faculty recruitment and retention, as well as faculty retirement, across the University.  Emily has worked at Yale as a provost for nearly two decades during which time her responsibilities have additionally included primary oversight for academic policy, resource allocation, and faculty affairs for the departments and programs in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences as well as for the professional schools of Art, Architecture, Music, Drama, and Divinity.  She is a fellow of Pierson College, a member of the Board of Incorporators of the Elizabethan Club, and she has been a fellow of the Whitney Humanities Center.  Emily is Yale’s representative to the Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE), and she is currently Chair of the COFHE Assembly. Her academic area of expertise is in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century northern European art, particularly early modern French royal portraiture and iconography. She received her A.B. from Dartmouth College and her M.F.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University.