Event Reservations at YDS

YDS Students (YDS, BDS, ANS, ISM) who wish to hold an Event at YDS:
Student Events must be hosted by an officially recognized YDS student organization. You request your space through Yale Connect under your Student Organization/Club.

Contact osa.yds@yale.edu if you need assistance with creating an event request on Yale Connect.

OSA will book your space requested. Make sure to provide all details when completing your request form. Once the space has been confirmed, your event will be approved by OSA and will appear on the Yale Connect calendar. 

Booking Space for Individual Use (Exams, Interviews, Meetings Etc.): 
Complete the request here to book one of two conference rooms available for current YDS students to book for private use.

  • Conference room can be booked for up to 60 minutes per booking.
  • Please submit your request at least 2 business days before intended use of room. 
  • Submitting a request is not a guarantee that the room is confirmed for your use. You will receive an approval email once the room is booked for you, or if unavailable for the date/time you selected.

For Faculty and Staff to Reserve Classrooms and Lecture Halls:

  1. Decide on a range of dates, times, and rooms for your event.
  2. Click on the following link to browse the room availablity in Yale Room Reservation and Event Planning System. This link will open in a new window or tab.
    • If you have difficulty connecting to the reservation system, please contact YDS IT support at ydsit@yale.edu.
  3. Once you’ve identified a date, time, and room that is open for use on the Room Reservation system, you are ready to submit a request by email.
  4. Once your request has been entered into the Room Reservation System, you will receive a confirmation email from the YDS Business Office.

Other important tips:

  • Room bookings at YDS run until 20 or 50 minutes past the hour to allow a transition between reservations.
  • Some events may require coordination with the YDS Facilities Office or authorization from the Dean.
  • For some rooms it may not be possible to place reservations more than several months in advance, as slots are being held open until a semester’s class schedule is finalized.
  • There is no guarantee that a request made with less than 48 hours notice will be honored.

How To Reserve Marquand Chapel:
Marquand Chapel is reserved for worship services, classes, and concerts connected with Yale Divinity School and the Institute of Sacred Music. Outside these programs, there is a limited number of times and dates on which the Chapel may be booked for private events or for student-organized worship.

Most private events incur the requirement for insurance and fees, which become the responsibility of the person making the booking. These include all events outside office hours, and most events to which large numbers are invited, especially if the invitations are extended beyond YDS/ISM/BDS. Legal and insurance liabilities require us to hire staff and security whenever such an event is held at YDS. For this reason, when you make your booking at the business office you will be asked about the size and scope of your event.

Please note that there is only a small number of dates in the year that the Chapel is available for private events, and that they may require coordination with the YDS Facilities Office or authorization from the Dean of Chapel.

For some events it may not be possible to place reservations more than several months in advance, as slots are being held open until a semester’s class schedule is finalized. Priority is always given to YDS/ISM curricular events.

For ISM concerts and events, contact the ISM office at 432-5180. For services that fall under the auspices of Berkeley Divinity School, please contact their offices in the first instance.

Please note that baptisms and ordinations do not normally take place in Marquand, but within the structures of individual denominations and churches.

If you want to book Marquand Chapel:

If you are a Faculty member:

Most bookings run until 20 or 50 minutes past the hour to allow a transition between reservations.

Email your request to divinity.resources@yale.edu. Be sure to include the name of the group or individual sponsoring the event, a contact person and phone number, a brief description of the event, and the anticipated number of attendees. If the Chapel is available your event will be confirmed.

If you are a current student:

To book the Chapel for a class, rehearsal, concert or small YDS-community-only gathering (less than 20 people), proceed as follows:

Email your request to divinity.resources@yale.edu. Be sure to include the name of the group or individual sponsoring the event, a contact person and phone number, a brief description of the event, and the anticipated number of attendees. If the Chapel is available your event will be confirmed.

If your event includes guests from outside the current YDS community, or is larger than 20 people, proceed as above, giving a full description and scope of your event and the number of people invited. In this case you will be advised as to an appropriate fee to cover hiring staff and security if the event is outside operating hours, and you will be asked to sign a contract and arrange insurance for your event.

For alumni and other guests, proceed as follows:

Email your request to divinity.resources@yale.edu. Be sure to include the name of the group or individual sponsoring the event, a contact person and phone number, a brief description of the event, and the anticipated number of attendees. We will contact you to discuss your requirements and any charges and contractual obligations that may be incurred.


Office of Student Affairs