Center for Continuing Education
Theological resources of YDS for churches, clergy, and laity
Through events, lectures, programs, instructional resources, and publications, our goal is to enable and enrich ministry and lay learning. These resources are intended to support faith formation, religious education, and personal and professional enrichment.

Continuing Education

Summer Study at YDS is now open! For more information and to register go here.

Yale Divinity School Certificate in Youth Ministry Leadership is now accepting applications here.

The Center for Continuing Education at Yale Divinity School provides opportunities and resources for churches, clergy, and laity to foster the knowledge and love of God in their communities.

Joel S. Baden

Professor of Hebrew Bible; Director, Center for Continuing Education
(203) 432-5338

Kelly Morrissey

Associate Director, Center for Continuing Education
(203) 432-3450

Jill Olds

Director, Youth Ministry Institute
(203) 436-4448

Megan Lukens

Communications Coordinator


Center for Continuing Education