Clergy Well-Being During a Time of Uncertainty: A Report From the Trenches with Dr. Frederick “Jerry” Streets

Event time: 
Monday, September 16, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Event description: 

Zoom | September 16 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

In partnership with Berkeley Divinity School

Being healers in a wounded world is not easy. Clergy self-care and pastoral actions stemming from a broader sense of wellness are critical now more than ever. Join YDS Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work the Rev. Dr. Frederick “Jerry” Streets for a conversation about his study on the state of clergy wellness, the protocols for clergy self-care and the importance of clergy, and congregations understanding and expanding the ways they support one another. In this interactive reflective and practical session we’ll explore creating a new mutual wellness covenant between pastors, the pastor’s family, and the congregation.

Register at: Clergy Well-Being During a Time of Uncertainty

For more information on Frederick “Jerry” Streets go here.

Free but register in advance