Rarymond E. Oliver, Yon Harris, John Knibb, Frank Beach - 1950
Marquand Chapel - 1951
YDS Quad - 1951
Raymond E. Oliver at Yale - 1951
Frank Beach and Carolyn Church - 1951
Bob and Jean Dady - 1951
Yale Bowl entrance - 1951
Yale – Navy game - 1951
Connecticut countryside - 1951
Thames River New London, CT - 1951
Coast Guard Academy New London, CT - 1951
Frances Sutton at YDS - November, 1951
New Haven - April, 1952
New Haven - April, 1952
Yale Harkness Tower - April, 1952
Yale Library - April, 1952
Dad and Mom Marquand Chapel - June, 1952
YDS - June 1952
Castle Restaurant New Haven - June, 1952
View from Castle Restaurant New Haven - June, 1952
New Haven Mom, Dad and Cell - June 1952
YDS - June 1952
Yale graduation 250th anniversary June 8, 1952
Line up for Yale University graduation - June 1952
Yale University graduation - June 1952
Yale Procession - June 1952
Yale Procession - June 1952
Yale YDS Class - June 1952
Yale YDS - June 1952
Yale Graduation - June 1952
Yale after graduation - June 1952
Yale Harkness Tower - June 1952
YDS Baccalaureate June 9, 1952
YDS Baccalaureate June 9, 1952
YDS Baccalaureate June 9, 1952
YDS Baccalaureate Buma - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate Dady and Buma - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate Raymond E. Oliver - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate - 1952
YDS Pope, Neibuhr, Dahl, Burrows - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate Luccock, Neibuhr - 1952
YDS Baccalaureate Neibuhr - 1952
Disciple grads - 1952
Disciple grads - 1952
Disciple grads - 1952
Raymond E. Oliver, Mom, Dad - 1952
Ken Buma Raymond E. Oliver - 1952
YDS graduation Ken Buma and me - 1952
YDS Frank Beach, church - 1952
YDS Raymond E. Oliver new graduate - 1952
YDS Raymond E. Oliver and Frances - 1952
New Haven Lighthouse Point - 1952
Churches on the green at New Haven - 1949
Yale Divinity School Marquand Chapel - 1949
Yale Divinity School Quadrangle - 1949
Seymour Congregational Church, Raymond E. Oliver - 1949
Seymour Congregational Church tower - 1949
Yale Bowl Brown vs. Yale football game - 1949
Yale Bowl Yale vs. Harvard game - 1949
Yale Bowl Yale vs. Harvard game - 1949
Yale Bowl Yale vs. Harvard game - 1949
YDS snow on campus - 1949
Snow on trees behind campus - 1949
Chapel from behind campus - 1949
Snow in the tree behind campus - 1949
Gate behind campus - 1949
YDS chapel - 1950
Back of chapel - 1950