About, People

Moschella“While it is true that some individuals do overcome great odds to earn large paychecks, it does not follow that the majority of people in this country who do not have great wealth are any less caring or responsible human beings. The size of one’s bank account isn’t the litmus test for personal responsibility and care.” Mary Clark Moschella, Roger J. Squire Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Oct. 12, 2012, writing in The Huffington Post, in the article “Caring for Our Lives.”


“We live in an age where people interact through screens a lot, or eat standing up. What we’re doing is sitting down and looking at each other, which is pretty countercultural.” Emily Scott ’06 M.Div., Faith and Leadership, in “Dinner—and the Gospel—is served, at St. Lydia’s,” an article about the “dinner church” she and Rachel Pollak ’07 M.A.R. are leading in Brooklyn, NY.


In 1962 Edward Reynolds 68 B.D. enrolled as the first black undergraduate student at Wake Forest University. Now, 50 years later, his alma mater is celebrating the anniversary of his historic admission with a yearlong series of programs and activities entitled “Faces of Courage: Wake Forest Celebrates 50 Years of Integration.”  Sept. 26, 2012, Wake Forest University News Center, in the article “Historic Homecoming.”


On Oct. 10, YDS student and state trooper Samantha McCord ‘15 M.Div. was on the Katie Couric Show, conducting an online sting operation in search of potential predators. View the show here:


“For Christians, the debate should not be whether one’s allegiance to Christ trumps one’s allegiance to the nation. The debate should be what key values for national life follow from allegiance to Jesus Christ and what the proper relation is between the universal claims of Christ and the particular claims of the nation.” Miroslav Volf, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, October 18, 2012, in “Values of a Public Faith,” a three-part blog series for Sojourners on the meaning of Christian values during current political debates.




“Part of why I love preaching and teaching so much is because of our understanding of Scripture — it’s not just dead ink on paper; …it’s a living story and we are the characters in it.” Brian Maas ’89 M.Div., Oct. 13, 2012, Fremont (NE) Tribune, in an article about his recent installation as bishop of the Nebraska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Poet and award-winning children’s author Marc Harshman ’75 M.A.R. has recently been appointed poet laureate of West Virginia. “Poetry’s ‘prophetic function’ can be like that of the Hebrew prophets of old, railing against kingship and power,” he said. “As the prophetic poet demands re-seeing the status quo, that turns us again to what can be best in us.” Oct. 12, 2012, from The Charleston (WV) Gazette, “West Virginia’s new poet laureate coming to Book Festival.”


“Today, the threats of voter suppression impacting communities of color remain real and present. Our vote is our voice in our democracy. It is one of the fundamental ways we can participate in our common life, expressing our priorities for our local communities, for our country and for our world.” Sandra Sorensen ’90 M.Div., Oct. 5, 2012, Evansville (IN) Courier & Press, in an article about Peace with Justice Week at Zion United Church of Christ in Henderson, Kentucky, where Sorensen was a guest speaker.

“I was taught as an academic. I was taught to read ancient scripts in an academic fashion. I don’t think of myself as an actor who happens to be educating people about Poe, but rather as an academic who happens to be doing something very entertaining.” Campbell Harmon ‘04 M.A.R., web coordinator at YDS, Oct. 7, 2012, Yale News, in “Spotlight: Divinity School staff member brings dark tales to life,” an article about Harmon’s second career performing as Edgar Allan Poe across the country.


YDS senior lecturers and research scholars Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim are spending fall semester as visiting lecturers at the Princeton Environmental Institute.  Both have appointments as Currie C. and Thomas A. Barron Visiting Professors.


James R. “Jim” McGraw ’61 B.D., 76, of New York City, died May 28 at home. McGraw served 11 years as senior pastor at John Street UMC, the oldest Methodist society in America. He retired from ministry in 2003.  The Hoosier native was a former magician and pianist, civil rights activist and author whose collection of meditations delivered over the 10 Sundays after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, “Prayers from Ground Zero,” was published by the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries. John St. UMC is located just blocks from where the World Trade Center stood.

Scott Black Johnston ’89 M.Div., senior pastor of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, is the featured preacher Nov. 11 on “Day 1,” the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org.  He also preached on Day 1 on Nov. 4, and that sermon is available online in both transcript and audio format.

November 4, 2012
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