About People - April 2015

Rev. Meg Boxwell Williams ‘81 M.Div. has begun her role as associate pastor of First Congregational Church in Stratford, Connecticut…

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Glen J. Segger ’95 M.A.R. has been named choir director at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Milford, Connecticut…

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Don Veglahn ’62 B.D., an ordained United Methodist minister and US Air Force veteran passed away on March 10, 2015…

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Warren Hovland ’43 B.D., ’50 Ph.D., an ordained minister in the Congregational Church and a WWII Navy chaplain passed away on March 18, 2015…

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Rev. Ted Braun ’52 S.T.M., a UCC pastor with a passion for social justice passed away February 23, 2015…

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April 2, 2015