Annual General Meeting of Alumni—October 22, 2015

This year’s Convocation and Reunions is scheduled for Oct. 21-23, and the alumni meeting will take place on Thursday, Oct. 22, at 3:15 p.m. in Niebuhr Hall. Items to be voted on include

the election of new board officers and four new members.

Nominated to serve as officers of the board:

President— Kristin Foster ’77 M.Div., Pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Vice President—Richard Spalding ’76 B.A., ’81 M.Div., Chaplain to the College, Williams College  

Secretary— Danielle Tumminio ’03 B.A., ’06 M.Div., ’08 S.T.M., author, life & professional coach, lecturer at Yale University, and priest associate at Christ Church in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Nominated to serve as new members of the board:

Horace D. Ballard ’10 M.A.R., Curator of Education, Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama

Aracelis Vazquez Haye ’12 M.Div, Associate Pastor of the Church of the City, a multi-ethnic congregation in New London, Connecticut

James P. Keane ’91 M.Div., Principal, St. Joseph High School, Trumbull, Connecticut

Paige Lindsey Smith ’76 M.Div., an active YDS volunteer who has served as class secretary and reunion class volunteer; she has an M.LIS. in Library and Information Studies   

T. Gregory Turner ’70 M.Div., UCC Pastor who has served churches in Corvallis, Oregon and Akron, Ohio, and also the American Church in Brussels, and the American Church in Paris

October 12, 2015