Environmental ministry leader Talitha Arnold at YDS Feb. 13-15

Talitha Arnold ’80 M.Div., a New Mexico pastor who has distinguished herself with her leadership in environmental ministry and diverse congregation-building, will be at Yale Divinity School February 13-15 as the Hoskins Visitor for 2022-23.
There will be several opportunities for YDS community members to interact with and hear Rev. Arnold during her visitorship:
•    Lunch presentation on “Grace in the Wilderness: A Desert Church for a Desert Time,” with faculty conversation partner Tisa Wenger, Noon, Old Common Room  
•    Afternoon tea and presentation on “A Desert Church at Worship: Rites and Rituals for an Earth-Honoring Faith,” with faculty conversation partner Teresa Berger, 4 p.m., Old Common Room
•    Chapel service, 11:30 a.m., Marquand
•    Lunchtime conversation with Talitha Arnold and Dean Sarah Drummond and the team from Andover Newton Seminary at YDS, 12:15 p.m., Old Common Room
Those attending the tea or one of the lunch meetings are asked to RSVP by sending an email to lynn.haversat@yale.edu.
Talitha Arnold was called as the Minister of the United Church of Santa Fe in 1987, when the congregation was a seven-year-old UCC church start. Since then, the congregation has tripled in membership and is known in Santa Fe for its vital worship, diverse music, outreach and advocacy, environmental ministry, and an engaging approach to the Christian faith for all ages.
A native of Arizona and a graduate of Pomona College and Yale Divinity School, Talitha was the Interim Associate University Chaplain for Yale and served congregations in Connecticut and Arizona before being called to United.
Her publications include Worship for Vital Congregations and essays in the Feasting on the Word lectionary series, along with articles for The Christian Century, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” the Santa Fe New Mexican, the Albuquerque Journal, and the UCC’s Still Speaking devotionals. She is currently working on A Desert Faith for a Desert Time. Talitha’s leadership has been recognized with the UCC’s Antoinette Brown Award for outstanding women clergy,  a Lilly Endowment clergy grant, and Santa Fe’s Human Rights Award and “Ten Who Made a Difference” award.
The Hoskins Visitorship was established in 1967 in memory of Fred Hoskins ‘32 B.D., by gifts from the churches that he served and from individual friends. The Hoskins Visitor is a Christian leader invited to the School to deal particularly with issues that relate to the reform and renewal of the church. This visitorship is given every second year, alternating with the Luccock Visitorship.
January 24, 2023