August 2, 2021
YDS Dean Greg Sterling made the following announcement to the campus community today.
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing with news about an exciting appointment to the Marquand Chapel team. Michael Libunao-Macalintal ’20 M.Div. will join us later this month as Liturgical Minister and Chapel Communications Manager.
In his new role, Michael will work with Awet Andemicael, our Associate Dean for Marquand Chapel, and Nathaniel Gumbs, Director of Chapel Music, to plan and oversee all regular chapel services and special events. He will also direct students in their creation and leadership of worship for Marquand. In his communications role, Michael will be responsible for the worship bulletins and operation of the website used for promoting and documenting chapel services and events.
In the words of Associate Dean Andemicael, “Michael brings to our community his tremendous energy, creativity, theological knowledge, ecumenical sensitivity, and faithful dedication to the privilege of worship and the power of liturgical formation. He is an effective leader who is passionate about developing other leaders. Michael is especially gifted in fostering community and developing an ethos of welcome and hospitality. He understands the history and dynamics of Marquand Chapel and YDS, while remaining open to fresh perspectives as we face new and perennial challenges and possibilities.”
Michael returns to YDS after a year at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C., where he was Assistant Director of Campus Ministry. During his time as a student here, Michael was very active with Marquand, serving as a student Chapel Minister and member of the Marquand Chapel Advisory Committee. He also served as a student member of our Admissions Committee.
Michael succeeds Emilie Casey ’16 M.Div., ’17 S.T.M., who has left to pursue her Ph.D. at Emory University.
I am sure you join Awet and me in congratulating Michael and welcoming him back to YDS.
Best wishes,
Greg Sterling
August 2, 2021