Our Neighbors in the Philippines - A note from Dean Gregory Sterling

At the end of October, I had the opportunity to travel to the Republic of Korea for the World Council of Churches Assembly. At this gathering I met YDS alumni from around the world, including leaders from Africa, Europe and the United States, and one the eight presidents of the WCC, Sang Chang, who represents Christians across Asia. It is at gatherings like these, where the full diversity, connectedness, and truly global nature of the church is most apparent, and the global community of YDS alumni is most inspiring. 

Shortly after I returned, the Philippines was struck by one of the most powerful typhoons ever to come ashore. The devastation and resulting humanitarian needs are nearly unfathomable. Many in the YDS community–students, faculty, staff and alumni–have already been engaging in relief efforts in various ways, and our mission and connectedness as a global community compels us all to consider ways to help.  

The recovery for many communities will last for years. The immediate need now is for money to provide medical care, emergency shelter, and food. I urge the YDS community to take the opportunity in the coming days and weeks to help our neighbors in the Philippines, and contribute to the efforts of relief agencies. In addition to NGO and denominational resources, you can also visit http://relief.yale.edu to find ways to help. 

Finally, please join me in continued prayer for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines.

November 20, 2013
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