People Notes - November 2015

The Jonathan Edwards Center is now home to a pair of oil portraits of Jonathan Edwards and Sarah Pierpont Edwards. The portraits were donated on behalf of the Horace Porter Edmond Jr. family, by Anne Woodbridge Edmond of Roswell, Georgia. The paintings, which probably date from the latter half of the 19th century, have been in the Edmond family for generations. They now hang in the Edwards Center at Sterling Divinity Quadrangle.


A pair of YDS alumni, Angelique Walker-Smith  ’83 M.Div.and Dwight Andrews ’77 M.Div., were honored by Yale University for their contributions to The HistoryMakers, a project to record, preserve, and share the life stories of thousands of African Americans.

<For more on this project visit the HistoryMakers website.>


Jeffrey Braun ’04 M.Div. has been appointed senior pastor of Winnetka Congregational Church in Illinois. Rev. Braun has most recently been serving as Senior Minister and head of staff at First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Cheshire, CT.

<Read more.>


Brooke Newell ’91 M.Div. was recently appointed as new pastor for the Potsdam United Methodist Church in New York.

<Read more.>

November 5, 2015