In the new episode of the YDS Quadcast, Professor John Collins, author of the book The Apocalyptic Imagination, discusses what the Bible really says about the end of the world; what caused the rise of apocalyptic literature; and how some Christians err today in their understanding of end times.
Listen to the episode on Soundcloud.
John Collins is Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Emeritus, and a world-renowned scholar of apocalypticism, Hellenistic Judaism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In addition to The Apocalyptic Imagination, his numerous books include The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography; Early Judaism: A Comprehensive Overview; Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls; Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age; and What Are Biblical Values. His many awards and prizes include the Burkitt Medal and membership in the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
The YDS Quadcast is hosted by Emily Judd ’19 M.A.R., who is Senior Communications Specialist at the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, an international humanitarian organization supported by Pope Francis, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, and the leadership of the United Arab Emirates. She previously worked as a journalist in the Middle East.
Listen to past episodes of the YDS Quadcast.
Download the episode transcript (pdf).