President Ivo Josipović of Croatia to speak at Yale Divinity School

New Haven, CT – Ivo Josipović, President of the Republic of Croatia, will be at Yale Divinity School on Monday, September 23 to speak on the role of religion in Croatian society, in a talk is entitled “Religion in Post-Communist and Post-Conflict Society: The Croatian Experience.”  

Sponsored by Yale Divinity School, the Center for Faith & Culture, and the Yale World Fellows Program, the lecture will take place in Marquand Chapel at Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, 12:30-2:00 p.m.. The lecture is free and open to the public.

The lecture will be also be webcast live through Yale Divinity School’s Livestream channel at 

In many places in the world where nations experience violent divisions, religion plays a part in conflicts. The Republic of Croatia, in the middle of such conflict only a decade ago, provides hope that things may go differently. Ivo Josipovic, president since February 18, 2010, is a renaissance man, an influential professor of law, and widely performed composer. Perhaps his most intriguing characteristic is that he is an agnostic in a country that is 90% Catholic, and where 80% of Croatian Catholics voted for him as their President. During his years in office, he led Croatia into the European Union and undertook a number of initiatives to build bridges to neighboring countries with whom Croatia was at war. For his efforts, he has received an ecumenical award by Evangelical Theological Faculty in Osijek, Croatia.

Prior to his election, President Josipović was a university professor, a member of the Croatian Parliament and a composer. He taught Criminal Procedure Law, International Penal Law and Misdemeanour Law. At the Zagreb Music Academy he taught Harmony. He has published several books and a total of 85 scholarly and expert papers. He has composed some 50 musical pieces for different instruments, chamber ensembles and symphony orchestras. For his compositions he received prizes and awards at home and abroad, including a prize of the European Broadcasting Union and two Porin Croatian Record Awards. For a number of years he was Director of one of the largest festivals of contemporary music, Music Biennale Zagreb, and Secretary-General of the Croatian Composers’ Society.

As a legal expert he took part in the UN PrepCom for the establishment of the International Criminal Court as well as at the Rome Diplomatic Conference. He was an associate-expert of the Council of Europe for monitoring prison systems in a number of countries. As a legal expert he drafted or co-drafted a number of Croatian legislative bills. He represented Croatia before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice.

September 20, 2013
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