March 25, 2024
Dean Greg Sterling made the following announcement today.
I am pleased to inform the Divinity School community that Clifford B. Anderson will become the new Director of our Library beginning May 1st.
Dr. Anderson is currently Director of Digital Research at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, N.J., and Chief Digital Strategist at the Vanderbilt University Library, with a secondary appointment as Professor of Religious Studies in Vanderbilt’s College of Arts & Science. As a scholar focused on academic librarianship, computational thinking, digital humanities, and theology, Dr. Anderson has published, among other works, XQuery for Humanists (with Joseph C. Wicentowski). He is editor of the volume Digital Humanities and Libraries and Archives in Religious Studies.
A Kenyon College graduate, Clifford earned his M.Div. at Harvard Divinity School, his Th.M. and Ph.D. at Princeton Theological Seminary, and his M.S. in Library and Information Science at Pratt Institute.
Libraries have changed in marked ways. Just as moveable type revolutionized the printed word, so digitalization has revolutionized libraries and learning. I am grateful that our next library director is a specialist in digital scholarship and pedagogy and so well positioned to lead our library in this direction in the coming years.
Please join me in welcoming Clifford Anderson to the YDS community!