A limited number of awards for qualified graduate students who wish to conduct pre-dissertation summer research or immersion language study in South Asia that is relevant to their doctoral work at Yale. Students should be full-time registered PhD students in the Yale Graduate School working for a degree in an Arts and Sciences Department, or Professional School, who are planning to conduct dissertation research in South Asia and write a PhD thesis on South Asia. To be considered for this award they should be applying for funding to support some aspect of a pre-dissertation summer in South Asia. This could include immersion, advanced, study of relevant languages in India through an established and recognized language program; preliminary research, data collection, and research site identification for field based research in humanities, social sciences or professional specialties; or some combination of these purposes. Funds are administered by the South Asian Studies Council at the MacMillan Center. A small number of awards, ranging from $2000 to $5000 each, will be made.