Chad Tanaka Pack ’10 M.Div.
Rev. Chad Tanaka Pack is committed to social change, primarily through his work with faith-based organizations striving for racial justice and LGBTQ equality. His nonprofit board service includes Room for All, which advocates for the full welcome and affirmation of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Reformed Church in America; and the Middle Project, which co-sponsors the annual Revolutionary Love Conference at Middle Collegiate Church. An ordained minister in the United Church of Chris, Pack is a consulting minister at Middle Collegiate Church in New York. He has also served as an Associate Minister at Marble Collegiate Church. Prior to his time YDS and the Institute of Sacred Music, he was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs. He earned a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and is a certified public accountant. Pack is employed as Project Coordinator on the Homeless Veterans Team at Inner City Law Center, a nonprofit poverty-law firm serving the poorest and most vulnerable residents of Los Angeles.