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Harry S. Stout

B.A., Calvin College
M.A., Kent State University
Ph.D., Kent State University
Professor Stout is the author of several books including Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War, a finalist for the Lincoln Prize and winner of Christianity Today’s Best History Book of 2007, the Philip Schaff Prize for best book on the history of Christianity 2006-7, and the New England Historical Association Best Book Award 2007; The New England Soul, a Pulitzer Prize finalist for history; The Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism, which received a Pulitzer Prize nomination for biography as well as the Critic’s Award for History in 1991; Dictionary of Christianity in America (of which he was coeditor), which received the Book of the Year Award from Christianity Today in 1990; A Religious History of America (coauthor with Nathan Hatch); and Readings in American Religious History (coedited with Jon Butler). With Kenneth Minkema he coedited Jonathan Edwards at 300: Essays on the Tercentenary of His Birth. He most recently contributed to and coedited Religion in the American Civil War and is currently coediting Religion in American Life, a seventeen-volume study of the impact of religion on American history for adolescent readers and public schools (with Jon Butler). He is general editor of both The Works of Jonathan Edwards and the “Religion in America” series for Oxford University Press. He has written articles for the Journal of Social History, Journal of American Studies, Journal of American History, Theological Education, Computers and the Humanities, and Christian Scholar’s Review. He is a contributor to the Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching, Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, and the Reader’s Encyclopedia of the American West. In 2003 Professor Stout was awarded the Robert Cherry Award for Great Teaching. In 2011-12 Professor Stout held the Rogers Distinguished Senior Fellowship at the Huntington Library. He currently serves as general editor and director of the Jonathan Edwards Center and is working with Tony Blair in the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, an organization designed to promote interfaith dialogue around the world. Professor Stout is a fellow of Berkeley College.
Read more
- Stories of Faith, Stories of America: Religion in United States History, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, 2003)
- The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 23, co-ed. (Yale University Press, 2003)
- Religion and the American Civil War, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, 1999)
- Readings in American Religious History, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, l997)
- New Directions in American Religious History, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, 1997)
- A Jonathan Edwards Reader, co-ed. (Yale University Press, 1995)
- Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, and The Representation of American Culture, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, l993)
- Dictionary of Christianity in America, co-ed. (Intervarsity Press, l990)
- The Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism (Eerdmans Press, l99l)
- Jonathan Edwards and the America Experience, co-ed. (Oxford University Press, l988)
- An Enemy Among Them, co-authored (Houghton Mifflin, l987)
- The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England (Oxford University Press, l986)