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Suzanne Estelle-Holmer
B.A. Hebrew and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota
M.A. Library Science, University of Minnesota
M.Phil. Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale Univerisity
Suzanne Estelle-Holmer is the Reference and Instructional Services Librarian at the Yale Divinity School Library and Lecturer in Theological Bibliography in the Divinity School. She assists faculty and students with Classesv2 and co-ordinates the teaching program at the library. Every spring semester she co-teaches Religion 905, Resources in the Study of Religion with Paul Stuehrenberg.
Suzanne earned her B.A. from the University of Minnesota in Hebrew and Ancient Near Eastern studies. She holds a M.A. in Library Science from the University of Minnesota and a M. Phil. from Yale University in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. Prior to coming to the Divinity Library she taught Hebrew and Biblical Studies at the University of Minnesota, Yale University and Wellesley College.
Suzanne travels frequently to Israel and the West Bank, where she visits friends and practices her Hebrew and Arabic. She enjoys foreign movies, Oriental music and all things exotic! Suzanne loves walking and other types of exercise where she can compete against herself. No team sports, please!
Contact Information: You can find Suzanne either at the reference desk (2nd floor, Trowbridge Reference Room) or in her office (Room L-203, 2nd Floor, toward the back of the Trowbridge Reference Room.) She is available most weekdays until 5 pm. You don’t need to make an appointment to see her; just stop by anytime and if she is available, she will be happy to assist you. If you would like a more extensive research consultation, contact her ahead of time to set up an appointment.