Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes ’18 M.Div.
The Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes is a ministerial leader working at the intersection of faith and culture. Wilkes is currently serving as one of the founding Lead Senior Pastors of a new church, The Double Love Experience, in Brooklyn, N.Y. From 2013 to 2018, she pastored young adults for the 20,000-member Greater Allen Cathedral of New York. She also has worked in the media and entertainment industry and as a Senior Brand Strategist for the Yale University Dwight Hall Center for Public Service and Social Justice. She is an advocate of women in ministry and an inaugural member of the Spelman College Thriving in Ministry Fellowship; the Millennial Womanist Project, a cohort of Black women millennial faith leaders across the nation; and an alum of the RISE Together Women in Ministry Mentorship Network. Wilkes was a contributing writer for the book Mr. President: Interfaith Perspectives on the Historic Presidency of Barack H. Obama (2017). She recently co-authored Psalms for Black Lives: Reflections for the Work of Liberation (2022) with her husband, Rev. Andrew Wilkes.