‘From Words to Work’: Faculty panel on dismantling racism

Join Dean Greg Sterling and a panel of YDS faculty members at 5:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 18, for an exploration of the action needed to confront and undo racism in America.
The panel, titled “From Words to Work: Dismantling Racism,” will be broadcast and available for replay on the Divinity School’s YouTube page
Dean Sterling will serve as moderator, and the following faculty members will speak as panelists:
  • Harry Attridge, Sterling Professor of Divinity
  • Anthea Butler, Presidential Visiting Fellow and Associate Research Scholar 
  • Willie Jennings, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies
  • Laura Nasrallah, Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation
In addition to responding to select audience questions, the panel will explore issues including racism in policing, the responsibility of white people to dismantle racism, the double oppression faced by women of color, and theological dimensions of anger and indignation.
June 13, 2020