A Few Notes About The BTFO Schedule

“A Few Notes About The Schedule”
by Jordan Rebholz
We are getting close to finalizing our BTFO schedule, but there are still a few details that need to be solidified before we send a full schedule out to everyone. However, we wanted to let you all know a few important things now.
A few notes for you:
1) There are separate orientations on Wednesday for International Students and Berkeley students.  Orientation for the Institute of Sacred Music is on Saturday. If these orientations apply to you, you should have already received information about them.
2) Children’s activities will be provided during BTFO, but only during certain sessions.  Please refer to the schedule (when it is posted) for these times. 
3) Spouses/partners and families are welcome to attend all BTFO sessions/meals/events/activities. However, we want to emphasize that because BTFO covers so much information in such a short amount of time, the sessions are specifically geared towards the students’ experience.  There will be a Spouses/Partners Grill Out on Thursday evening, as well as a YDS Community Dinner on Friday evening. 
We hope you are as excited as we are for BTFO and for the fall semester to begin!