Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman ‘16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School’s distinguished alumni of color and the “firsts” of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 222114 [uid] => 14 [title] => Changing Faces of YDS [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 53071 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1479414284 [changed] => 1626457599 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1626457599 [revision_uid] => 14 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman '16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School's distinguished alumni of color and the "firsts" of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman ‘16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School’s distinguished alumni of color and the “firsts” of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( [und] => Array ( ) ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 0 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1479414284 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [7261] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 7261 [plid] => 3646 [link_path] => node/53071 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Changing Faces of YDS [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 3 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3626 [p2] => 3646 [p3] => 7261 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [3626] => 3626 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 53071 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 222114 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52756 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_nakashima.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_nakashima.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29363 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52751 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_braulio.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_braulio.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29809 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52901 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_beuhler.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_beuhler_1.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 25768 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1480525197 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 129 [height] => 172 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => First Women of YDS [format] => [safe_value] => First Women of YDS ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds [title] => Learn more [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52761 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_pennington.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_pennington.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29828 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Black Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Black Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
)Gallery of Black Alumni
Array ( [#printed] => 1 )
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 222114 [uid] => 14 [title] => Changing Faces of YDS [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 53071 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1479414284 [changed] => 1626457599 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1626457599 [revision_uid] => 14 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman '16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School's distinguished alumni of color and the "firsts" of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman ‘16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School’s distinguished alumni of color and the “firsts” of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( [und] => Array ( ) ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 0 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1479414284 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [7261] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 7261 [plid] => 3646 [link_path] => node/53071 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Changing Faces of YDS [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 3 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3626 [p2] => 3646 [p3] => 7261 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [3626] => 3626 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 53071 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 222114 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52761 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_pennington.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_pennington.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29828 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Black Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52751 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_braulio.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_braulio.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29809 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52901 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_beuhler.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_beuhler_1.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 25768 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1480525197 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 129 [height] => 172 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => First Women of YDS [format] => [safe_value] => First Women of YDS ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds [title] => Learn more [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52756 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_nakashima.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_nakashima.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29363 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
)Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni
Array ( [#printed] => 1 )
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 222114 [uid] => 14 [title] => Changing Faces of YDS [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 53071 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1479414284 [changed] => 1626457599 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1626457599 [revision_uid] => 14 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman '16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School's distinguished alumni of color and the "firsts" of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman ‘16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School’s distinguished alumni of color and the “firsts” of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( [und] => Array ( ) ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 0 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1479414284 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [7261] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 7261 [plid] => 3646 [link_path] => node/53071 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Changing Faces of YDS [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 3 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3626 [p2] => 3646 [p3] => 7261 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [3626] => 3626 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 53071 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 222114 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52761 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_pennington.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_pennington.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29828 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Black Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52756 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_nakashima.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_nakashima.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29363 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52901 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_beuhler.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_beuhler_1.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 25768 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1480525197 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 129 [height] => 172 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => First Women of YDS [format] => [safe_value] => First Women of YDS ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds [title] => Learn more [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52751 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_braulio.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_braulio.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29809 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
)Gallery of Latino/a Alumni
Array ( [#printed] => 1 )
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 222114 [uid] => 14 [title] => Changing Faces of YDS [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 53071 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1479414284 [changed] => 1626457599 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1626457599 [revision_uid] => 14 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman '16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School's distinguished alumni of color and the "firsts" of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale was founded in 1701 to educate students for “Publick employment both in Church & Civil State.” Its first student, Jacob Heminway, graduated in 1704. In 1834, James W.C. Pennington began sitting in on divinity classes and thus became the first black person to attend class at YDS and, for that matter, at Yale. (James Pennington portraits are on display in the Common Room and the Pennington Classroom.)
The Divinity School enrolled its first African American male in 1872. That student, Solomon Coles, would go on to graduate in 1875. Another African American student, James William Morris, transferred to YDS a year after Solomon Coles matriculated and because of the credits he brought with him graduated before Coles, in 1874. This makes Morris the first African American graduate of YDS; Yale College graduate Edward Bouchet and he are the first black recipients of a Yale degree.
Related story: Lecia Allman ‘16 M.Div. and her work to recover YDS diversity history.
The first Asian American males graduated in 1921. The first women graduated in the 1930s, opening the door for many more. The first African American woman graduated in 1945, the first Hispanic American woman in 1953, and the first Asian American woman in 1957. The following year, in 1958, the first Hispanic American man graduated.
We invite you to explore the galleries below to learn more about the Divinity School’s distinguished alumni of color and the “firsts” of various categories.
Current YDS students and researchers are invited to take part in these projects. Please contact the Office of Communications to particpate.
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( [und] => Array ( ) ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 0 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1479414284 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 14 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [7261] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => main-menu [mlid] => 7261 [plid] => 3646 [link_path] => node/53071 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Changing Faces of YDS [options] => a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}s:10:"#menu_name";s:9:"main-menu";} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 1 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 3 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 3626 [p2] => 3646 [p3] => 7261 [p4] => 0 [p5] => 0 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Campbell Harmon [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [3626] => 3626 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 53071 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 222114 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1061 [revision_id] => 26538 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 631 [revision_id] => 29230 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52761 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_pennington.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_pennington.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29828 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Black Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Black Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-black-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 636 [revision_id] => 29231 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52756 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_nakashima.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_nakashima.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29363 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Asian-Pacific Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-asian-pacific-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 641 [revision_id] => 29232 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52751 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_braulio.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_braulio.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 29809 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1479414284 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 143 [height] => 143 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni [format] => [safe_value] => Gallery of Latino/a Alumni ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni [title] => View the gallery [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/yds-latinoa-alumni ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1061 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 646 [revision_id] => 29233 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 52901 [uid] => 14 [filename] => icon_beuhler.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/icon_beuhler_1.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 25768 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1480525197 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => "" [metadata] => Array ( ) [width] => 129 [height] => 172 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => First Women of YDS [format] => [safe_value] => First Women of YDS ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds [title] => Learn more [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => https://divinity.yale.edu/gallery/first-women-yds ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => First Women of YDS [format] => [safe_value] => First Women of YDS ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => First Women of YDS ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>
)First Women of YDS
Array ( [#printed] => 1 )