Upcoming Events
1 Corinthians in the First and 21st Centuries Bible Study with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton
Zoom | January 13 - March 3 | 7:30 pm Eastern | 8 Sessions
Among Paul’s letters, 1 Corinthians gives us the clearest picture of daily life in a first-century church. In it, we may just see ourselves — and our way forward as Christ’s body.
Register at: 1 Corinthians in the First and 21st Centuries Bible Study
Soul Care: Practices for Clergy/Lay Leaders with Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell Dunlap
Zoom | January 21 | 12 - 2 pm Eastern
In partnership with Berkeley Divinity School
In this course, you will try out several practices that have been tested and shown to improve the health and well-being of clergy. You will also learn about a curriculum for church personnel committees that can improve communication, trust, and open-hearted reflection among lay leaders, for the betterment of the church.
Register at: Soul Care
Context Matters: The Impact of Social Context on Emotional Growth with Dr. Szu-Hui Lee, PhD, ABPP
Zoom | February 5 | 12-1:30 pm
The goal of this seminar is to offer a framework for understanding the WHY so we can identify the WHAT and HOW when we are working to support youth today. Participants will also be invited to think about how their own context can show up in their interactions with youth and ways to be mindful of those impacts.
Register at: Context Matters: The Impact of Social Context on Emotional Growth
Overturning your ‘Immunity to Change’ with Dr. Robert Kegan
Zoom | March 3 | 12 - 3:30 pm Eastern | Free Event
In partnership with Andover Newton Seminary at Yale and Berkeley Divinity School
“Immunity to Change” is a novel approach to personal improvement which surfaces and engages those aspects of a person’s underlying mindset that prevent them from bringing about the very changes they most want to make. This free workshop will provide participants a fast-moving opportunity to try on this approach for themselves.
Register at: Overturning your ‘Immunity to Change’
Storytelling with Spirituality with Mark Yaconelli
Zoom | March 12 | 12 - 3:30 pm Eastern
Through lecture, exercises, and discussion we will explore how both biblical and personal stories can become a “thin place” for encountering the Sacred and the depths of our human experience.
Register at: Storytelling with Spirituality
The Meaningful Inclusion of Children in Worship: Theology and Practice with Wendy Claire Barrie
Zoom | April 2 | 12 - 3:30 pm Eastern
This webinar will explore the theological whys and practical hows of incorporating children and youth into congregational worship.
Register at: The Meaningful Inclusion of Children in Worship
Past Events
- Countercultural: The Important Work that Begins When Church Doesn’t Easily Fit into the Culture with the Rev. Dr. Gil Rendle
- Hope and Fear in an Election Year with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton
- Clergy Well-Being During a Time of Uncertainty: A Report From the Trenches with Dr. Frederick “Jerry” Streets
- Leadership and Hybrid Ministry in the New Media Landscape with the Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell
- Mapping Your Leadership Development Journey with Sarah Drummond
- Reclaiming a Faithful Vision of Universal Human Rights with Allyson McKinney ‘16 M.Div.
- Grant Writing for Congregational Leaders with Alison Cunningham, ‘84 M.Div.
- Church Budgets in the Xennial World: Pursuing Sustainability in 2023 with Jim Elrod
- Welcoming the Stranger: Immigration and Faith Communities
- Leading in a Liminal Season with Rev. Susan Beaumont
- Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence with Fred Sievert
- Borders and Walls in the New Jerusalem and American History with Dr. Yii-Jan Lin
Certificate Also, visit us on our Learning Beyond Walls page, which includes YDS Introductory Lectures, YDS Public Lectures, Yale University Online Courses, Yale Coursera Courses and more. Be sure to check back for upcoming events.