Philo of Alexandria - Bibliography
Each volume of The Studia Philonica Annual contains an annotated bibliography of Philonic studies prepared by the team of the International Philo Bibliography Project convened by David T. Runia. The members of the team at the present time are:
- Marta Alesso ( Buenos Aires ): for scholarship written in Spanish/ Portuguese
Ellen Birnbaum ( Cambridge MA ): for scholarship written in English
Albert C. Geljon ( Utrecht ): for scholarship written in English and Dutch
Heleen M. Keizer ( Monza ): for scholarship written in Italian
- Olivier Munnich (Paris): for scholarship written in French
Maren Niehoff ( Jerusalem ): for scholarship written in Hebrew
Justin Rogers (Tennessee): for scholarship written in English
- David T. Runia ( Melbourne ): for scholarship written in English
Beatrice Wyss (Fribourg): for scholarship written in German
Sami Yli-Karjanmaa ( Helsinki ): for scholarship written in Scandinavian languages
For more information on these scholars see the notes on contributors for volume 36, 2024.
Each annual bibliography consists of three parts:
- An annotated bibliography of scholarship on Philo published in the year three years prior to publication of the volume (i.e. in 2024 the year 2021);
- Annotated addenda consisting of publications of previous years that had been missed or unavailable;
- Provisional unannotated bibliographies of scholarship of Philo published in the three previous years prior to the publication of the volume (i.e. in 2024 the publications in the years 2022, 2023, 2024).
Further bibliographical material on Philo can be found in:
- R. Radice, D. T. Runia et al., Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1937-1986, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 8, Leiden 1988, second edition 1992.
- D. T. Runia, Philo of Alexandria : an Annotated Bibliography 1987-1996, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 57, Leiden 2000.
- Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1997–2006, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 109, Leiden 2012.
- Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 2007–2016, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 174, Leiden 2022.
These books are available from the publisher, Brill, Leiden. The first three volumes are open access and can be downloaded from the publisher’s website. The bibliography in The Studia Philonica Annual follows the same method as used in these volumes.
If scholars wish their publications to be included in the annual bibliographies, they should send a notice or preferably, a copy of their work to the convenor of the project, David T. Runia.