Yale Divinity School, June 28-30, 2022
The 2022 Yale-Edinburgh conference will offer a tribute to Andrew Walls and Lamin Sanneh, co-founders of the conference thirty years ago, as it engages with their legacy. This will be both retrospect and prospect. What have we learnt from Walls, Sanneh and their generation? In what ways has their legacy imposed limitations on the field, and in what ways do we need critically to consider new approaches to the study World Christianity? How have the approach, methods, and parameters of the study of World Christianity developed in recent years? For example, panels might consider the nature of translation as a predicate of the expansion of Christianity, as well as exploring new avenues of recent scholarship in World Christianity, such as the role of migration or theological evolution in mission, or the de-territorializing of Christian faith in the development of global Christianity.
In light of continuing uncertainty over the feasibility of international travel, the 2022 conference will be trialing a new format. Five hubs, in Yale, Edinburgh, Nairobi, São Paulo, and Singapore, have been involved in planning and presentation. The conference timetable will allow participants to attend panels in multiple locations online.