Many divinity students arrive in New Haven with spouses/partners and/or children. Others acquire these during their time at the Divinity School. The Divinity School is a welcoming community that includes spouses, partners and children into many of its community events and activities.
In addition, the following are some of the resources available to students’ families.
Spouses/Partners | Students with Children |
- Spouses and partners of currently enrolled YDS students are eligible to audit one course per semester without charge. For an application form to audit a course, contact the Office of Admissions.
- When student interest allows, a spouses/partner social club is offered. Check the list of student groups to find out whether or not this group is currently active. To revitalize a dormant group, check in with the Office of Student Affairs for assistance.
- Student Affiliate ID Cards are available for student spouses. Find out how to obtain a spouse ID Card at the Yale ID Center website. (link is external)
- With a student affiliate ID card, student spouses are eligible for the following Yale privileges:
- Yale Gym (link is external) memberships (for a fee)
- Yale Repertory Theatre (link is external) discounted student tickets/passes
- Yale library (link is external) services
- Peabody museum (link is external)admission
- Use the Yale Shuttle bus system
- Purchase discounted student guest tickets (link is external) for football, hockey and basketball home games.
Health Care Coverage
- Students may cover their spouses (and children) for a fee (link is external) through the convenient and comprehensive Yale Health Services. Contact YUHS Member Services (link is external) for more information.
- Additional optional Dental and Optical insurance (link is external) may be purchased that may include families as well.
Employment Opportunities for student spouses/partners
- Yale University’s STARS Human Resource system (link is external) is open to spouses and partners of graduate students.
- Yale-New Haven Hospital (link is external) has career opportunities that may suit student spouses and partners.
- Idealist (link is external) regularly includes New Haven area employment opportunities.
- New Haven works (link is external) offers job pipeline programs for New Haven city residents.
Students with Children
YDS-specific information
- Formal and informal programs for students with children are planned throughout the academic year.
- Many YDS activities are “family friendly.” Children are welcome in worship, and at most community events and presentations.
- Booster chairs are available in the refectory. Students may buy children meals out of their points.
- There is a “Mothers’ Room” available on campus for breast-feeding. Please speak with the Office of Student Affairs to find out more information.
Child care resources
- For occasional child care providers, check out the Yale Babysitting Service (link is external).
- Yale’s worklife office (link is external) has a number of links to both long-term child care options and emergency backup care.
- New Haven Public Schools (link is external) provide both magnet and neighborhood schools for residents of their district. Many schools offer Pre-K programs for youngsters ages 3-5, in addition to K-12 education. New Haven schools operate many unique magnet schools, for which one must apply to the school lottery in the winter of the school year prior to attendance.
- This Living in New Haven site (link is external)provides information about public, private and parochial schools in the area.
Fun and Enrichment
- Students with children should be sure to add themselves to the Divinity Students with Children facebook page, along with the McDougal Center’s “Bulldogs with Pups” facebook page. Both offer lists of local free and inexpensive outings for children and parents.
- The McDougal Center (supporting all Grad/Prof students) hires several family fellows who plan and lead a wide variety of programs and workshops. Be sure to be added to their list-serve!
- Yale itself hosts a bevy of fun family-friendly offerings.
- Children are always free at Yale Athletics events (link is external). Keep an eye out for Youth Days scheduled within many of the sports’ home schedules.
- Check out the dinosaurs at Yale’s Peabody museum (link is external). Children are free from 2-5 on Thursdays from September-June, and both Yale ID holders and children under 3 are free all the time.
- Yale’s art galleries, the Yale University Art Gallery (link is external) and the Yale Center for British Art (link is external), are free to all visitors and frequently include special programming for children (link is external).
- Children’s swimming and occasionally dance lessons are offered at Payne-Whitney gymnasium (link is external)
- Ice skating classes for children and adults are offered by the Yale Figure Skating Club (link is external)
- Theater classes are offered through Yale Children’s Theater (link is external)