Continuing Education Event Information

Upcoming Events

Psalms: An Online Bible Study

Zoom | September 12 - October 17 | 7:30 pm Eastern | 6 Sessions

The Psalms - perhaps the most beloved book of the Bible what Calvin called “An Anatomy of all the Parts of the Soul.” Traditionally attributed to King David the Psalms in fact represent hundreds of years’ worth of ancient Israelite reflections on joy and loss on fear and faith. In these six sessions we will look at the Psalms from a few different angles: their cultural and historical origins the various literary genres they include the way that biblical poetry is constructed and communicates and more. Join us as we explore the Psalms from antiquity to today.

The six sessions will occur on September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, and 17. After attending all six sessions participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Register at: Psalms: An Online Bible Study

Clergy Well-Being During a Time of Uncertainy: A Report From the Trenches

Zoom | October 15 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

Being healers in a wounded world is not easy. Clergy self-care and pastoral actions stemming from a broader sense of wellness are critical now more than ever. Join YDS Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work the Rev. Dr. Frederick Streets for a conversation about his study on the state of clergy wellness the protocols for clergy self-care and the importance of clergy and congregations understanding and expanding the ways they support one another. In this interactive reflective and practical session we’ll explore creating a new mutual wellness covenant between pastors the pastor’s family and the congregation. 

Register at: Clergy Well-Being During a Time of Uncertainty

Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Zoom | September 18 - October 2 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern | 3 Sessions

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity why are we still “here” in this static space? Join us for three sessions as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the racism that is embedded in our existing anti-racism frameworks. Together we will explore decolonizing methods and inventory the historical seeds that continue to sprout as intended: to stunt our growth.

Session 1 on September 18:
We will explore the ways in which racism is embedded in the anti-racism frameworks consistently in use today particularly in many faith communities. Digging deep into its presence in youth ministry we will uncover how past perceptions actively impact future progress.

Session 2 on September 25:
We will have a discussion surrounding overarching education frameworks that combat racism particularly in faith-based contexts. Together we will explore how these anti-racism scaffolding examples can be applied in youth ministry settings.

Session 3 on October 2:
We will investigate tangible tools resources and practices to guide participants as they strive to align their youth ministries with their hopeful anti-racism outcomes. Reviewing curation methods implementation of content and invitations to praxis our focus will be on the formation of a holistic ministry that considers all touchpoints for transformation.

The three sessions will occur on September 18, 25, and October 2.

Register at: Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Hope and Fear in an Election Year

Zoom | October 3 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

Election seasons have become excruciating lately in the U.S. and this 2024 run may be the hardest yet. Families friend groups co-workers and churches are all feeling anxiety about voting and about finding ways to stay together when they plan to vote for different people. What does it look like to be faithful in this context? 

Don’t give up hope! Join us on October 3 from 12:00-1:30pm on Zoom when Dr. Allen Hilton will offer strategies for sanity and practices that maintain community – even when our nation and neighborhood are divided. He will draw on wisdom gleaned from years spent facilitating and mediating in Red-Blue contexts to help us navigate our own walk.

Register at: Hope and Fear in an Election Year

Countercultural: The Important Work that Begins When Church Doesn’t Easily Fit into the Culture

Zoom | October 3 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

Organizationally and economically congregations no longer fit with the American culture which puts future viability into question. That’s the good news. In this webinar we’ll explore the practical aspects of being countercultural and what our changed cultural purpose as communities of faith may be.

Register at: Countercultural

Social Media Smarts: Helping Youth Use New Media in Positive Ways for Good Mental & Spirtual Health

Zoom | October 3 | 12 - 1:30 pm Eastern

Organizationally and economically congregations no longer fit with the American culture which puts future viability into question. That’s the good news. In this webinar we’ll explore the practical aspects of being countercultural and what our changed cultural purpose as communities of faith may be.

Register at: Social Media Smarts


Past Events

Certificate Also, visit us on our Learning Beyond Walls page, which includes YDS Introductory Lectures, YDS Public Lectures, Yale University Online Courses, Yale Coursera Courses and more. Be sure to check back for upcoming events.