Yale Divinity School is proud to support the cultivation of Latinx theological leaders as a sponsor of the Hispanic Summer Program (HSP). Since 1989, the HSP has offered accredited, graduate level courses to Masters level students on topics ranging from theology, history, liturgy, and pastoral care, all from a Latinx perspective. The unique curricular offerings of the HSP expand the courses available to YDS students by allowing them to take summer intensive courses with world class Latinx faculty. As a sponsoring school, our students also benefit from the year-round programming of the HSP including the Latinx Discernment Workshop and HSP Exchange. Our faculty, administrators, and staff also benefit from our connection to the HSP by participating in Through Hispanic Eyes, a workshop designed for non-Latinx faculty and administrators seeking to gain tools in cross-cultural competency as applied to their position within Yale. As a sponsor of the Hispanic Summer Program YDS offers all members of our community a unique opportunity to connect with a national, scholarly community that seeks to build the next generation of Latinx theological leaders. To learn more about the HSP visit www.hispanicsummerprogram.org. To learn more about how you can participate as a member of the YDS community, speak to our HSP Board representative Adrian Hernandez-Acosta (adrianemmanuel.hernandezacosta@yale.edu)