David Bartlett, ’67 B.D.
David L. Bartlett is the J. Edward and Ruth Cox Lantz Professor Emeritus of Christian Communication at Yale Divinity School and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. An ordained minister in the American Baptist Churches, USA, Bartlett has served as the senior minister of congregations in Minnesota, Illinois, and California. From 1990 to 2005, Bartlett served at YDS on the faculty as well as in administrative roles including Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Dean of Academic Affairs. Bartlett has published numerous books and scholarly articles. His books include such notable works as Ministry in the New Testament (Fortress-Augsburg, 1993), Romans: Westminster Bible Companion (Westminster/John Knox, 1995), and Between the Bible and the Church (Abingdon, 1999). Bartlett delivered the Beecher Lectures, entitled “What’s Good About This News?” in 2001, published as What’s good about this news? : preaching from the Gospels and Galatians. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003.