Allen McSween, STM–Yale Divinity School.

The Rev. Dr. Allen C. McSween
Class of 
Presbyterian, USA

I am not a 'true' member of the class of 1969. After graduating from Union Theological Seminary in VA in 1968, I did an STM degree at YDS, finishing in 1969. My wife Susan and I had our first child (Jean) at the Yale-New Haven Hospital in 1969.

After Yale, I served as pastor of Meadowthorpe Pres. Church, Lexington, KY, (where our son Michael was born), Trinity Pres. in Laurinburg, NC, The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, in Bowling Green, KY, and Fourth Presbyterian, Greenville, SC. I retired in 2010 and continue to live in Greenville, SC.

While in Greenville, I served for ten years on the Board of Trustees of Presbyterian College, chairing the Academic Affairs Committee, the Tenure and Promotions Committee, the PC Commission on Church-Related Liberal Arts, the Administrative, and Resource Development committees, as well as numerous search committees for a president, deans, etc.

Over the years have served on numerous committee in the PC (USA) and throughout my career, I have published numerous articles, essays, sermons, and study guides, including 11 pastoral and exegetical reflections in the series Feasting on the Word and Feasting on the Gospel, essays in The Power to Comprehend with All the Saints, Loving God with Our Minds, Hope for the Future, and Persons in Community, and a number of essays in the Journal for Preachers.

While we were in Bowling Green, my wife Susan (a graduate of Converse College) completed a degree in accounting and worked for Fruit of the Loom. Our daughter Jean graduated from Presbyterian College, then did a MDiv at Princeton Seminary, and a Masters and a PhD in political science at the University of Virginia. She is an assistant director with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in Washington, DC. Our son Michael attended NC State University and graduated from Western Kentucky University. He and his wife Teresa have three children, the oldest of whom will attend the Lewis Honors College at UK this fall.

I cannot believe it has been 50 years since we left New Haven. I trust that those of you who are able to attend the reunion with have a grand time renewing ties and rehearsing memories.