Jean Wood, M.A.R.

Class of 
Methodist, United

As Lay Leader of my United Methodist Church, I am grateful that it is a reconciling church - as is the Northern Illinois Annual Conference. I have been involved in informing the congregation about the latest General Conference that passed a resolution with language about homosexuality more egregious than that in the (1972) Book of Discipline. I await the findings of the Judicial Council at the end of April. It may be that the action taken is against the Constitution of the United Methodist Church. I pray that the church can remain whole. I have been nurtured by the UM Church since I was born!

On a personal note, my husband Barry passed away on March 14, 2017 from Parkinson's Disease. I was fortunate to have him in my life from the time we started dating at Syracuse University in 1959. Our wedding was two days before my YDS graduation. They were the two most significant events in my life, other than the birth of our twin sons in 1968.

I received new knees in the past year and a half and am doing well. I am involved in a Memory and Aging Project through Rush University. My results are normal for a "woman my age." I keep active at Luther Village in Arlington Heights, IL. We moved here eight years ago to live near our son and his family.

I am grateful. So many of our classmates are no longer with us!