Lise Hildebrandt, MDiv

Class of 

After about 5 years of leaving the Church and wandering in the wilderness, part of which was helping care for my dad at the end of his life, I'm back to Church both in attendance and profession. I spent last year in Boston, working first at a cafe, then as a parish administrator, and now as an interim priest. I live in Fall River, MA in more housing and job stability than I have had in a long time (and this is an interim position, which isn't that much stability!) I continue to practice cello (for orchestra), taekwondo, and yoga, and look forward to working on a farm this summer once a week. As the co-facilitator of the diocesan Creation Care Justice Network, I am working with others to move forward the action on Climate Change, and this work is near and dear to my heart. My daughters, now 27, have stable relationships. Karin is in Berlin, Germany, working as a software writer and traveling all over the place with Mike. Becca just started her Master of Social Work program at Boston College, and is doing well despite recovering from a bad concussion. I hang out with ex, Eric Wefald, and his wife, regularly, and feel blessed to be back in this part of the country (though Colorado is great, and I got to see Ernie Duff while there!) I continue to pray for something akin to non-violent revolution in the face of so much darkness and really evil stuff. I have not lost hope.