Richard Boeke,

Class of 
Unitarian Universalist

Rev. Dr. Richard F. Boeke

Richard Boeke, YDS 1954, currently lives in Horsham, West Sussex, where he
served as minister of the Unitarian Church and founding Moderator of the Horsham
Interfaith Forum, With Rev Christopher Hudson MBE, minister, All Souls Church,
Belfast, N. Ireland, Richard serves as Co-Chair of the Peace Commission of the
International Association for Religious Freedom He was founding
President of the U.S. Chapter of the IARF and is author of many articles on the IARF.
He is co-editor of Servetus – Our 16 th Century Contemporary, published by British
In the World Congress of Faiths ,
Richard Boeke is currently a Vice President. He has served as
both Chairman and Secretary. He coined the word, FIDEOLOGY,
the study of faith as trust, for three conferences based on the work
of Wilfred Cantwell Smith. He has served as Secretary for the
International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU), and
lectured on Michael Servetus for the ICUU. For several years he
was Vice President of a Shinto Shrine (Tsubaki America).
Richard Boeke’s articles appeared in Dharma World, Faith and Freedom, Sacred
Journey; “Interreligious Insight,” “Interfaith Initiative” and Unitarian Publications.
He was commentator for THE STAR TREK STORY, BBC 2, 1996. After finishing
Yale Divinity School. he was ordained a Southern Baptist Minister and served as a
US Air Force Chaplain. The experience led him to become a “peace loving
Unitarian.” He served UU churches in Nevada, New York, Florida and Berkeley,
California before moving to England in 1995. He was a founder of the UU Partner
Church Council. In 2005 He received the Louis Cornish award for service to
International Liberal Religion. Richard Boeke is the author of GOD IS NO-THING,
and co-author with Dr. Howard Thurman of Mysticism and Social Action available on
Kindle from Amazon. (paperbscks $15 including postage <> )
He renews his soul with walks in the countryside and writing poetry. He co-translated
hymn texts of Holocaust Victim Norbert Capek for the UUA Hymnal Singing the
Living Tradition. Several of his own hymn texts are published in British Hymnals
Hymns for Living and Sing Your Faith.
His wife is the Rev. Johanna Boeke. Their daughters are Elinore Boeke of Bethesda,
Maryland and Diana Boeke of Troy, Virginia. Their grandchildren are Zachary
Ludwig, Juliana Ludwig and Alexander Ludwig of Bethesda.
Currently Richard Boeke is helping create REIMAGINING
INTERFAITH (Google for Details). Over a dozen interfaith groups are
joining with the International Association for Religious Freedom to create this conference at George Washington University.