Tim Ahrens, M.Div.
After 25 years as Senior Minister of 172-year-old First Congregational Church in downtown Columbus, Ohio and 40 years in ministry, preacher, author, social justice advocate, and Yale Divinity School 1985 alumnus and recipient of the William Sloane Coffin Award, the Reverend Dr. Timothy C. Ahrens, will retire from First Church following his October 20th sermon and celebration. Known as the founder of BREAD, We Believe Ohio, the creator of the Social Justice Park on Broad Street, a trailblazer of interfaith collaboration, and a leading voice in the media on faith and social justice, Ahrens has been a strong, unifying voice of open and affirming acceptance of all people in Columbus and beyond. Dr. Ahrens awards and accomplishments are numerous and are detailed in the attached press release.