
July 14, 2014
JULY 2014 - With the end of the academic year Berkeley staff and students left campus to learn, to travel, and to carry the Berkeley banner to different parts of the world....
July 14, 2014
Family ties are not all that bind together Kathy Turner, her husband Greg Turner, and Greg’s father, Dale Turner. All three are graduates of Yale Divinity School and between...
July 14, 2014
Learn more about Summer Study and register for classes online here. ON A DRIZZLY June afternoon, long after the regular semester ended, the YDS Common Room buzzed with...
July 14, 2014
“The Yale experience is fundamentally changed by a student’s observance of Islam, but influence also flows the opposite direction,” reported Kelsey Dallas ’14 M.A.R. for...
July 9, 2014
This year’s schedule includes the historic Beecher lectures featuring Otis Moss III, faculty talks by Peter Hawkins, Joel Baden, and Margaret Farley; Reunion Class Dinner and...



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