
February 20, 2014
NEW HAVEN, CT—The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale Divinity School announces the initiation of a new monograph series, “New Directions in Jonathan Edwards Studies,” to be...
February 4, 2014
With a tradition of diverse and ecumenical worship in Marquand Chapel, YDS has always harbored a rich culture of creativity and experimentation. For some students and alumni...
February 3, 2014
“I’d like to see food waste being addressed more aggressively,” said Bob Shaver ‘06 M.A.R. who was recently profiled in the Indianapolis Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40”...
February 3, 2014
Clarence E. Hardy III is fascinated with religious exile—writers, theologians, and others who work outside the gates of doctrinal power yet remain preoccupied with Christian...
February 3, 2014
It was a Saturday morning and I had just finished up at the gym. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get a cup of coffee on my way to pick something up at the mall. As I was...



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