In the spring of 2011, Stephen Register ‘11 M. Div. and Jesse Zink ‘12 M.Div. had only an academic course in common. Now they share more than a line on their transcripts:...
Under glorious skies on Aug. 28, Yale Divinity School officially began its 191st year educating students for service in church and world. The YDS community gathered in...
Gregory E. Sterling, a New Testament scholar and Churches of Christ minister, began his term as dean of Yale Divinity School during the lazy days of summer, at the beginning...
Love and justice… Do they conflict? Must they conflict? Much is at stake in the answer—the prospects of political reform, the power of the Christian witness, even the future...
In their systematic theology course years ago, members of the YDS Class of 1952 were asked to write a credo, or statement of beliefs. Now, six decades later, members of the...