
January 4, 2024
Yale Divinity School is introducing its first-ever online certificate program: a nine-month, cohort-based program in Youth Ministry Leadership in which participants will...
January 3, 2024
By Ray Waddle The world is hurtling into a time of trial, an era of environmental grief and uncertainty that requires resolve and resilience, says Jason Brown ‘11 M.A.R., ‘11...
January 2, 2024
By Mike Cummings Nearly two decades ago, the poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma. Doctors told Wiman, who was 39 at the time, that he likely had...
December 11, 2023
By Kim Lawton Professor Todne Thomas specializes in what she calls the “slow pressure-cooker research method.” An anthropologist, Thomas believes one of the most effective...
December 8, 2023
Cheryl Cornish ’83 M.Div. is the subject of a lengthy profile in Memphis Magazine as she retires after 35 years pastoring First Congregational Church in Memphis. Read the...



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