Applying for Financial Aid

All students, including merit scholars, must complete a new financial aid application each year. If their enrollment status does not change, students can expect to receive a similar scholarship award each academic year, within the semester limits set for each degree (see Affording YDS).

Yale Divinity School’s financial aid application requirements are all online forms. Occasionally the financial aid office will request additional documents from students. Such additional documents should be submitted via the secure YDS Financial Aid Document Upload. For security reasons, please do not submit any financial aid documents via e-mail.

Admissions Applicants


The deadline for admissions applicants to apply for financial aid is March 1st. Any applications received after that date will be reviewed on a funds-available basis.

It is our goal each year to have financial aid awards sent within 24 hours of a favorable offer of admission.

Application Materials

All U.S. citizens and permanent residents seeking financial aid, including those seeking only merit scholarships, will be required to submit both of the following forms:

All international students seeking financial aid, including those seeking only merit scholarships, will be required to submit the following form:

Continuing Students


Students returning to the Divinity School to continue their program must complete financial aid renewal applications by May 15th. Any applications received after that date will be considered on a funds-available basis.

Application Materials

All U.S. citizens and permanent residents seeking financial aid, including merit scholars, are required to submit both of the following forms to renew their financial aid for 2025–2026:

All international students seeking financial aid, including merit scholars, are required to submit the following form to renew their financial aid for 2025–2026:

Students must also complete an electronic communications consent form each academic year.

Scholarship Links

The following links will take you to sites not directly affiliated with Yale Divinity School:

University Financial Aid Website

The University’s financial aid website has a section for graduate and professional students that includes general information on financial aid and loans. The site also provides links to other Yale schools’ financial aid websites and to resources for outside scholarships.


Office of Financial Aid

(203) 432-5026
(203) 432-7475