Ways to Give
All gifts to Yale Divinity School and its partners Andover Newton Seminary at Yale and Berkeley Divinity School at Yale – annual gifts, endowment gifts, capital gifts and planned gift – are appreciated. Gifts large and small will serve the students of today and help the Divinity School strengthen its capacities to serve.
Alumni/ae, parents, friends, and congregations make gifts to the Divinity School with many kinds of assets and in a variety of forms. Options include cash, checks, credit card payments, gifts of marketable securities, and other assets. Please feel free to write or call for advice or details.
Your gift can have an even greater impact if you work for a company or institution with a matching gift program. In some cases, your spouse’s employer may match your gift. Find out here if your company or institution will match your contribution.
Gifts of cash
Gifts of marketable securities
Gifts of other assets
Yale University’s federal tax identification (TIN) number is: 06-0646973
Gifts of Cash
Traditionally, a majority of the gifts made to the Divinity School come in the form of cash, via check or credit card. A gift of cash entitles you to the most generous federal income tax deduction available for charitable contributions. You may deduct up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income for gifts of cash and may carry any amount over that figure forward for up to five additional years.
Checks should be made payable to “Yale University” and mailed to
Yale University
Office of Development
Contribution Processing
P.O. Box 2038
New Haven, CT 06503-2038
For payments by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, please visit Give Online or call
(800) 395-7646 or (203) 432-5359
To make a donation via cash wire transfer, please visit Give Now or call (203) 432-2206.
Gifts of Marketable Securities
A gift of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year is frequently the most economical way to give. You will be eligible to take a federal income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift for up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and will not have to recognize the appreciation as capital gain.
How to Give Securities or Mutual Fund Shares to the Divinity School
Securities Held by Your Bank or Broker
Please notify your bank or broker that you are making a gift of securities to Yale Divinity School and instruct your bank or broker to either telephone Contribution Processing at (203) 432-4107 or e-mail donated.securities@yale.edu for instructions. Please tell your bank or broker not to proceed until speaking with a representative at that office.
Or you may visit Give Now to make a donation of securities.
Securities Held by You
- Please send unendorsed certificates by mail, along with a letter giving your name, address, indicate that your gift is to benefit Yale Divinity School , and the purpose of your gift to:
- Yale University
Office of Development
Contribution Processing
P.O. Box 803
New Haven, Connecticut 06503-0805
Telephone: (203) 432-4107
- Yale University
- In a separate envelope, please mail to the same address a stock power for each certificate, along with a copy of your letter. Do not complete any information on the stock power other than your signature and the date. If the certificate represents a greater number of shares than you intend to give to Yale, please enclose a note requesting the return of a new stock certificate with the non-gift balance.
- Your bank or broker can supply you with blank stock powers, or Contribution Processing will be happy to send them to you. For most expedient handling, do not fill in Yale’s name as transferee on either the stock certificate or the stock power, and please do not send stock certificates to a transfer agent for transfer into Yale’s name.
Mutual Fund Shares
- Please contact Contribution Processing at (203) 432-4107 with information about your mutual fund shares. The procedure for transferring shares is established by the mutual fund company, and Contribution Processing will be able to assist you with the appropriate letters of instruction.
Yale’s Federal Tax Identification Number:
- 06-0646973
Gifts of Other Assets
Gifts to Yale can come in the form of other assets as well. For example, you may wish to consider gifts of closely held stock, tangible personal property if its use is related to Yale’s educational purpose, or real estate. See Planned Gifts for further information.
Questions: Call toll free (800) 395-7646
or e-mail: development.gifts@yale.edu