In the new episode of the YDS “Quadcast” series, Vanessa Avery ‘02 M.A.R. speaks with host Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R. about lessons learned from her decades of interfaith...
Teresa Berger, Professor of Liturgical Studies and Thomas E. Golden Jr. Professor of Catholic Theology, has been honored by the North American Academy of Liturgy for...
Blake Long was a senior at Lee University in Tennessee last year—and an admitted YDS student who was trying to decide whether and where to pursue graduate studies in theology...
Laura Nasrallah, Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation at Yale Divinity School, was honored by the University of Oslo with an honorary doctorate...
Molly Baskette ’96 M.Div. knows something about grief and dread. She’s had cancer. Her brother was murdered. She’s battled anxiety. Her church burned down. She’s walked with...