
February 4, 2013
“Showing People Jesus”—paving a path for the renewal of Christian faith in North America—is the theme of this year’s annual Leadership Colloquium, which Berkeley sponsors...
February 4, 2013
Author, legal scholar, and civil rights lawyer Michelle Alexander will deliver a lecture on the themes of her book The New Jim Crow:  Mass Incarceration in the Age of...
February 2, 2013
When someone in the congregation faces serious illness James deBoer ‘11 M.Div and Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager ‘13 wondered how the church could offer care. “How are we a healing...
February 2, 2013
“How do you speak about beauty, truth, and goodness?” asked the artist Makoto Fujimura in his sermon to the Yale Divinity School community last month. “How do you do that in...
February 2, 2013
The media’s routine focus on China—the superpower tensions with the U.S., the power struggles within—might broaden its horizons by encountering Chloë Starr, YDS assistant...



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