B.A. University of Florida 1993
J.D. University of Florida 1996
Three years ago, I walked away from a twelve-year legal career, law firm partnership, and an abundant life to...
Teaching an introductory pastoral care class some years ago, Mary Clark Moschella had covered a roster of important but grim themes—grief, trauma, poverty, substance abuse,...
YDS alumni garner Association of Yale Alumni Board of Governors Excellence Awards
Yale Divinity School alumni have garnered two major Association of Yale Alumni Board of...
The biggest story of our time—an ailing economy, wounded by financial crisis and debt—has unfolded with little analysis or censure from the religious community.
The genial Dale Peterson, YDS’s associate dean of student affairs , has been on the job 11 years now. He has already attained a measure of immortality.
The Candy Bowl outside...