Leaders for church and world: YDS alumni stories

The alumnae and alumni of Yale Divinity School are pastors, scholars, activists, educators, the heads of numerous ecclesiastical and secular oganizations, and more—all exemplifying the YDS mission of service to church and world.

Below is a collection of stories showcasing the leadership and contributions of YDS alumni/ae, in the United States and around the world.

If you have stories of your own to suggest about YDS alums—including yourself—please let us know

June 28, 2012
B.A. University  of Florida 1993 J.D. University of Florida 1996 Three years ago, I walked away from a twelve-year legal career, law firm partnership, and an abundant life to...
June 28, 2012
B.A. University of Chicago 2008 My last three years at Yale Divinity School have intensely unraveled how I understood the world and how to be in it, challenging me to...



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