Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 221313 [uid] => 26 [title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 65821 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1584543907 [changed] => 1617647840 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1617647840 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1584543907 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [12392] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => menu-header-utility-menu [mlid] => 12392 [plid] => 12391 [link_path] => node/65821 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [options] => a:3:{s:10:"#menu_name";s:24:"menu-header-utility-menu";s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 0 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 5 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 4896 [p2] => 4916 [p3] => 12627 [p4] => 12391 [p5] => 12392 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [526] => 526 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 65821 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 221313 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72555 [uid] => 14 [filename] => books.png [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/books.png [filemime] => image/png [filesize] => 625246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1584563772 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 516 [width] => 604 ) [height] => 516 [width] => 604 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Congregational Resources in Response to COVID-19 [format] => [safe_value] => Congregational Resources in Response to COVID-19 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 876 [revision_id] => 27809 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 876 [revision_id] => 27809 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => 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[schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Articles, interviews, and more [format] => [safe_value] => Articles, interviews, and more ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>PODCASTS & VIDEOS
- "Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year." Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- "Exploring Online Liturgy." Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- "A Red Cross Chaplain's Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife." Video message from Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- "How to use our human nature to create a better world." Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith '21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
"Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic." A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
"Life and Death Decisions." YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
"A Love Letter to God." Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger '76 M.Div, '84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
"Health Care as a Moral Imperative." A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm '17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
"@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer." YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart's Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
"What is A Holy Space?" Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler '82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
"Ramadan in the time of COVID-19." A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
"Beauty and Joy." Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
"Two Tombs." An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
"Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing." Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis '15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
"How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering." An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS "Quadcast," March 27, 2020
"Digital Worship." An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
"Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?" A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R.
"Prophetic Listening." Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- "Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic." Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer '84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- "Six predictions for the post-pandemic church." Article by Peter Marty '85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- "Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19." Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- "'No man is an island' ... " Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- "The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should." Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz '10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- "Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist." Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- "Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’" Article on Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- "Compared to What?" Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- "What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes." Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- "Raising the Coronavirus generation." Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- "Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future." Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- "Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus." Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd '98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- "Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end." Commentary by Emily Scott '06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- "The Paradox of Isolation." Article by Jason Craige Harris '12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- "A call for moral leadership." A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones '85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- "Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times." YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry '10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- "The Last Anointing." Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- "Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry." KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- "Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge." Article on Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- "The Grace of Being Seen." Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- "Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing." Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- "Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic." Article by Ellen Koneck '16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel." Article by Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- "Inside." A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell '18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- "Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings." Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- "It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death." An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- "Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- "How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?" By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- "Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic." An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- "The Hell of Holy Saturday." By Shelly Rambo '99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- "Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling." YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- "Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling." Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- "Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet." By Mahogany Thomas '20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- "Pity Parties." By Sarah Birmingham Drummond '93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic." By Emily Judd '19 M.A.R.
- "Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society." By Jeffrey Haggray '88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- "The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing." By Casey Cep '13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- "The Cure for What Ails Us." By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- "A Prayer for Our Time." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- "Faith makes a difference." A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- "God knows no social distance." A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- "Take courage." By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- "Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei." By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- " ... and I feel fine," Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond '93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- "The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth." By Nathan Dove '18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- "Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires." Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas '13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- "FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- "How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?" By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- "Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger." Reflections magazine, 2016
- “Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year.” Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- “Exploring Online Liturgy.” Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- “A Red Cross Chaplain’s Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife.” Video message from Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- “How to use our human nature to create a better world.” Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith ‘21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
“Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic.” A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
“Life and Death Decisions.” YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
“A Love Letter to God.” Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger ‘76 M.Div, ‘84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
“Health Care as a Moral Imperative.” A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm ‘17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
“@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer.” YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart’s Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
“What is A Holy Space?” Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler ‘82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
“Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.” A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
“Beauty and Joy.” Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
“Two Tombs.” An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
“Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing.” Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis ‘15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
“How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering.” An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS “Quadcast,” March 27, 2020
“Digital Worship.” An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
“Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?” A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R.
“Prophetic Listening.” Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- “Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic.” Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer ‘84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- “Six predictions for the post-pandemic church.” Article by Peter Marty ‘85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- “Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19.” Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- “ ‘No man is an island’ … “ Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- “The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should.” Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz ‘10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- “Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist.” Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- “Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’” Article on Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- “Compared to What?” Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- “What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes.” Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- “Raising the Coronavirus generation.” Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- “Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future.” Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- “Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus.” Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd ‘98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- “Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end.” Commentary by Emily Scott ‘06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- “The Paradox of Isolation.” Article by Jason Craige Harris ‘12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- “A call for moral leadership.” A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones ‘85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- “Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times.” YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry ‘10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- “The Last Anointing.” Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- “Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry.” KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- “Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge.” Article on Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- “The Grace of Being Seen.” Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- “Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing.” Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- “Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic.” Article by Ellen Koneck ‘16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Article by Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- “Inside.” A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell ‘18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- “Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings.” Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- “It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death.” An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- “Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- “How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?” By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- “Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- “The Hell of Holy Saturday.” By Shelly Rambo ‘99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- “Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling.” YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- “Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling.” Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- “Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet.” By Mahogany Thomas ‘20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- “Pity Parties.” By Sarah Birmingham Drummond ‘93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic.” By Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R.
- “Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society.” By Jeffrey Haggray ‘88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- “The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing.” By Casey Cep ‘13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- “The Cure for What Ails Us.” By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- “A Prayer for Our Time.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- “Faith makes a difference.” A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- “God knows no social distance.” A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- “Take courage.” By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- “Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei.” By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- ” … and I feel fine,” Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond ‘93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- “The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth.” By Nathan Dove ‘18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- “Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires.” Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas ‘13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- “FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- “How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?” By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- “Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger.” Reflections magazine, 2016
Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
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Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 221313 [uid] => 26 [title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 65821 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1584543907 [changed] => 1617647840 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1617647840 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
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=> Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) 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1205 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 73165 [uid] => 26 [filename] => reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 645032 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1607095750 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" [format] => [safe_value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 876 [revision_id] => 27809 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 876 [revision_id] => 27809 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72663 [uid] => 26 [filename] => ymiimage.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/ymiimage.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 61761 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1588613484 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 652 [width] => 936 ) [height] => 652 [width] => 936 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Ministering to youth during COVID-19 [format] => [safe_value] => Ministering to youth during COVID-19 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Learn more at the website of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute at YDS.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Learn more at the website of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute at YDS.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 875 [revision_id] => 27810 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 875 [revision_id] => 27810 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72651 [uid] => 26 [filename] => reflectionscover_small.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/reflectionscover_small.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 70151 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1588250270 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 556 [width] => 885 ) [height] => 556 [width] => 885 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => "Hard Times, Gospel Values" [format] => [safe_value] => "Hard Times, Gospel Values" ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Read the Spring 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Spring 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [4] => Array ( [value] => 851 [revision_id] => 27811 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 851 [revision_id] => 27811 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Articles, interviews, and more [format] => [safe_value] => Articles, interviews, and more ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>PODCASTS & VIDEOS
- "Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year." Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- "Exploring Online Liturgy." Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- "A Red Cross Chaplain's Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife." Video message from Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- "How to use our human nature to create a better world." Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith '21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
"Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic." A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
"Life and Death Decisions." YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
"A Love Letter to God." Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger '76 M.Div, '84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
"Health Care as a Moral Imperative." A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm '17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
"@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer." YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart's Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
"What is A Holy Space?" Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler '82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
"Ramadan in the time of COVID-19." A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
"Beauty and Joy." Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
"Two Tombs." An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
"Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing." Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis '15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
"How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering." An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS "Quadcast," March 27, 2020
"Digital Worship." An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
"Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?" A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R.
"Prophetic Listening." Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- "Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic." Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer '84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- "Six predictions for the post-pandemic church." Article by Peter Marty '85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- "Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19." Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- "'No man is an island' ... " Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- "The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should." Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz '10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- "Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist." Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- "Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’" Article on Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- "Compared to What?" Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- "What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes." Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- "Raising the Coronavirus generation." Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- "Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future." Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- "Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus." Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd '98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- "Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end." Commentary by Emily Scott '06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- "The Paradox of Isolation." Article by Jason Craige Harris '12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- "A call for moral leadership." A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones '85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- "Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times." YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry '10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- "The Last Anointing." Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- "Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry." KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- "Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge." Article on Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- "The Grace of Being Seen." Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- "Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing." Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- "Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic." Article by Ellen Koneck '16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel." Article by Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- "Inside." A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell '18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- "Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings." Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- "It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death." An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- "Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- "How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?" By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- "Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic." An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- "The Hell of Holy Saturday." By Shelly Rambo '99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- "Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling." YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- "Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling." Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- "Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet." By Mahogany Thomas '20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- "Pity Parties." By Sarah Birmingham Drummond '93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic." By Emily Judd '19 M.A.R.
- "Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society." By Jeffrey Haggray '88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- "The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing." By Casey Cep '13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- "The Cure for What Ails Us." By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- "A Prayer for Our Time." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- "Faith makes a difference." A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- "God knows no social distance." A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- "Take courage." By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- "Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei." By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- " ... and I feel fine," Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond '93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- "The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth." By Nathan Dove '18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- "Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires." Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas '13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- "FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- "How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?" By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- "Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger." Reflections magazine, 2016
- “Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year.” Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- “Exploring Online Liturgy.” Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- “A Red Cross Chaplain’s Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife.” Video message from Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- “How to use our human nature to create a better world.” Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith ‘21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
“Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic.” A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
“Life and Death Decisions.” YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
“A Love Letter to God.” Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger ‘76 M.Div, ‘84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
“Health Care as a Moral Imperative.” A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm ‘17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
“@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer.” YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart’s Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
“What is A Holy Space?” Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler ‘82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
“Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.” A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
“Beauty and Joy.” Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
“Two Tombs.” An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
“Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing.” Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis ‘15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
“How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering.” An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS “Quadcast,” March 27, 2020
“Digital Worship.” An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
“Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?” A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R.
“Prophetic Listening.” Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- “Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic.” Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer ‘84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- “Six predictions for the post-pandemic church.” Article by Peter Marty ‘85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- “Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19.” Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- “ ‘No man is an island’ … “ Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- “The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should.” Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz ‘10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- “Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist.” Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- “Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’” Article on Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- “Compared to What?” Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- “What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes.” Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- “Raising the Coronavirus generation.” Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- “Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future.” Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- “Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus.” Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd ‘98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- “Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end.” Commentary by Emily Scott ‘06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- “The Paradox of Isolation.” Article by Jason Craige Harris ‘12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- “A call for moral leadership.” A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones ‘85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- “Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times.” YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry ‘10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- “The Last Anointing.” Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- “Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry.” KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- “Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge.” Article on Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- “The Grace of Being Seen.” Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- “Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing.” Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- “Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic.” Article by Ellen Koneck ‘16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Article by Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- “Inside.” A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell ‘18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- “Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings.” Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- “It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death.” An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- “Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- “How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?” By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- “Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- “The Hell of Holy Saturday.” By Shelly Rambo ‘99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- “Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling.” YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- “Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling.” Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- “Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet.” By Mahogany Thomas ‘20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- “Pity Parties.” By Sarah Birmingham Drummond ‘93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic.” By Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R.
- “Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society.” By Jeffrey Haggray ‘88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- “The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing.” By Casey Cep ‘13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- “The Cure for What Ails Us.” By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- “A Prayer for Our Time.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- “Faith makes a difference.” A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- “God knows no social distance.” A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- “Take courage.” By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- “Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei.” By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- ” … and I feel fine,” Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond ‘93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- “The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth.” By Nathan Dove ‘18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- “Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires.” Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas ‘13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- “FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- “How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?” By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- “Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger.” Reflections magazine, 2016
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A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
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a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [526] => 526 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 65821 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 221313 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1205 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 73165 [uid] => 26 [filename] => reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 645032 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1607095750 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" [format] => [safe_value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1205 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 72555 [uid] => 14 [filename] => books.png [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/books.png [filemime] => image/png [filesize] => 625246 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1584563772 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 516 [width] => 604 ) [height] => 516 [width] => 604 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Congregational Resources in Response to COVID-19 [format] => [safe_value] => Congregational Resources in Response to COVID-19 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] => ) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 876 [revision_id] => 27809 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [3] => Array ( [value] => 875 [revision_id] => 27810 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 875 [revision_id] => 27810 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => 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- "Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year." Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- "Exploring Online Liturgy." Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- "A Red Cross Chaplain's Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife." Video message from Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- "How to use our human nature to create a better world." Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith '21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
"Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic." A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
"Life and Death Decisions." YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
"A Love Letter to God." Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger '76 M.Div, '84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
"Health Care as a Moral Imperative." A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm '17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
"@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer." YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart's Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
"What is A Holy Space?" Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler '82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
"Ramadan in the time of COVID-19." A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
"Beauty and Joy." Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
"Two Tombs." An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
"Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing." Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis '15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
"How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering." An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS "Quadcast," March 27, 2020
"Digital Worship." An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
"Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?" A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R.
"Prophetic Listening." Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- "Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic." Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer '84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- "Six predictions for the post-pandemic church." Article by Peter Marty '85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- "Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19." Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- "'No man is an island' ... " Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- "The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should." Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz '10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- "Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist." Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- "Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’" Article on Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- "Compared to What?" Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- "What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes." Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- "Raising the Coronavirus generation." Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- "Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future." Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- "Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus." Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd '98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- "Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end." Commentary by Emily Scott '06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- "The Paradox of Isolation." Article by Jason Craige Harris '12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- "A call for moral leadership." A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones '85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- "Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times." YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry '10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- "The Last Anointing." Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- "Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry." KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- "Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge." Article on Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- "The Grace of Being Seen." Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- "Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing." Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- "Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic." Article by Ellen Koneck '16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel." Article by Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- "Inside." A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell '18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- "Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings." Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- "It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death." An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- "Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- "How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?" By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- "Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic." An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- "The Hell of Holy Saturday." By Shelly Rambo '99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- "Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling." YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- "Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling." Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- "Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet." By Mahogany Thomas '20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- "Pity Parties." By Sarah Birmingham Drummond '93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic." By Emily Judd '19 M.A.R.
- "Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society." By Jeffrey Haggray '88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- "The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing." By Casey Cep '13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- "The Cure for What Ails Us." By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- "A Prayer for Our Time." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- "Faith makes a difference." A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- "God knows no social distance." A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- "Take courage." By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- "Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei." By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- " ... and I feel fine," Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond '93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- "The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth." By Nathan Dove '18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- "Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires." Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas '13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- "FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- "How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?" By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- "Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger." Reflections magazine, 2016
- “Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year.” Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- “Exploring Online Liturgy.” Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- “A Red Cross Chaplain’s Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife.” Video message from Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- “How to use our human nature to create a better world.” Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith ‘21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
“Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic.” A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
“Life and Death Decisions.” YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
“A Love Letter to God.” Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger ‘76 M.Div, ‘84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
“Health Care as a Moral Imperative.” A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm ‘17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
“@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer.” YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart’s Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
“What is A Holy Space?” Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler ‘82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
“Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.” A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
“Beauty and Joy.” Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
“Two Tombs.” An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
“Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing.” Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis ‘15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
“How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering.” An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS “Quadcast,” March 27, 2020
“Digital Worship.” An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
“Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?” A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R.
“Prophetic Listening.” Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- “Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic.” Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer ‘84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- “Six predictions for the post-pandemic church.” Article by Peter Marty ‘85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- “Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19.” Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- “ ‘No man is an island’ … “ Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- “The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should.” Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz ‘10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- “Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist.” Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- “Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’” Article on Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- “Compared to What?” Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- “What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes.” Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- “Raising the Coronavirus generation.” Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- “Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future.” Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- “Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus.” Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd ‘98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- “Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end.” Commentary by Emily Scott ‘06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- “The Paradox of Isolation.” Article by Jason Craige Harris ‘12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- “A call for moral leadership.” A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones ‘85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- “Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times.” YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry ‘10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- “The Last Anointing.” Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- “Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry.” KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- “Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge.” Article on Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- “The Grace of Being Seen.” Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- “Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing.” Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- “Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic.” Article by Ellen Koneck ‘16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Article by Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- “Inside.” A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell ‘18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- “Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings.” Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- “It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death.” An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- “Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- “How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?” By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- “Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- “The Hell of Holy Saturday.” By Shelly Rambo ‘99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- “Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling.” YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- “Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling.” Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- “Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet.” By Mahogany Thomas ‘20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- “Pity Parties.” By Sarah Birmingham Drummond ‘93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic.” By Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R.
- “Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society.” By Jeffrey Haggray ‘88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- “The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing.” By Casey Cep ‘13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- “The Cure for What Ails Us.” By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- “A Prayer for Our Time.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- “Faith makes a difference.” A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- “God knows no social distance.” A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- “Take courage.” By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- “Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei.” By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- ” … and I feel fine,” Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond ‘93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- “The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth.” By Nathan Dove ‘18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- “Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires.” Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas ‘13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- “FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- “How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?” By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- “Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger.” Reflections magazine, 2016
Learn more at the website of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute at YDS.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Learn more at the website of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute at YDS.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Ministering to youth during COVID-19 [format] => [safe_value] => Ministering to youth during COVID-19 ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Ministering to youth during COVID-19 ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Array ( [#printed] => 1 )
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 221313 [uid] => 26 [title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 65821 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1584543907 [changed] => 1617647840 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1617647840 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) [field_office_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => N207 [format] => [safe_value] => N207 ) ) ) [field_office_hours] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1444933701 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} ) [access] => 1 ) ) ) [field_related_links] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_paragraphs] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 ) ) ) [field_main_attraction] => Array ( ) [field_alert_content] => Array ( ) [field_introduction] => Array ( ) [field_introduction_call_to_actio] => Array ( ) [field_file_upload] => Array ( ) [field_alert_call_to_action] => Array ( ) [field_secondary_attractions_ref] => Array ( ) [metatags] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [robots] => Array ( [value] => Array ( [index] => 0 [follow] => 0 [noindex] => 0 [nofollow] => 0 [noarchive] => 0 [nosnippet] => 0 [noodp] => 0 [noydir] => 0 [noimageindex] => 0 [notranslate] => 0 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( [rdftype] => Array ( [0] => sioc:Item [1] => foaf:Document ) [title] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:title ) ) [created] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:date [1] => dc:created ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [changed] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => dc:modified ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) [body] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => content:encoded ) ) [uid] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:has_creator ) [type] => rel ) [name] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => foaf:name ) ) [comment_count] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:num_replies ) [datatype] => xsd:integer ) [last_activity] => Array ( [predicates] => Array ( [0] => sioc:last_activity_date ) [datatype] => xsd:dateTime [callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1584543907 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [12392] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => menu-header-utility-menu [mlid] => 12392 [plid] => 12391 [link_path] => node/65821 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [options] => a:3:{s:10:"#menu_name";s:24:"menu-header-utility-menu";s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 0 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 5 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 4896 [p2] => 4916 [p3] => 12627 [p4] => 12391 [p5] => 12392 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [526] => 526 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 65821 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 221313 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1205 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 964 [revision_id] => 27807 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 73165 [uid] => 26 [filename] => reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/reflections_photo_coverunsplash.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 645032 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1607095750 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) [height] => 4000 [width] => 6000 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" [format] => [safe_value] => "Seeking the Light: Notes on Hope" ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Fall 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1205 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 850 [revision_id] => 27808 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => 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YDS.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Learn more at the website of the Yale Youth Ministry Institute at YDS.
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[field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => 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field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Articles, interviews, and more [format] => [safe_value] => Articles, interviews, and more ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>PODCASTS & VIDEOS
- "Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year." Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- "Exploring Online Liturgy." Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- "A Red Cross Chaplain's Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife." Video message from Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- "How to use our human nature to create a better world." Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith '21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
"Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic." A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
"Life and Death Decisions." YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
"A Love Letter to God." Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger '76 M.Div, '84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
"Health Care as a Moral Imperative." A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm '17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
"@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer." YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart's Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
"What is A Holy Space?" Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler '82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
"Ramadan in the time of COVID-19." A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
"Beauty and Joy." Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
"Two Tombs." An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
"Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing." Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis '15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
"How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering." An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS "Quadcast," March 27, 2020
"Digital Worship." An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
"Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?" A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R.
"Prophetic Listening." Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- "Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic." Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer '84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- "Six predictions for the post-pandemic church." Article by Peter Marty '85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- "Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19." Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- "'No man is an island' ... " Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- "The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should." Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz '10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- "Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist." Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- "Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’" Article on Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- "Compared to What?" Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- "What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes." Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- "Raising the Coronavirus generation." Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- "Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future." Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- "Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus." Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd '98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- "Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end." Commentary by Emily Scott '06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- "The Paradox of Isolation." Article by Jason Craige Harris '12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- "A call for moral leadership." A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones '85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- "Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times." YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry '10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- "The Last Anointing." Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- "Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry." KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- "Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge." Article on Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- "The Grace of Being Seen." Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- "Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing." Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- "Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic." Article by Ellen Koneck '16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel." Article by Earl Johnson '76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- "Inside." A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell '18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- "Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings." Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- "It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death." An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale '18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- "Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- "How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?" By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- "Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic." An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- "The Hell of Holy Saturday." By Shelly Rambo '99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- "Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling." YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- "Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling." Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- "Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet." By Mahogany Thomas '20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize." By Jim Antal '78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- "Pity Parties." By Sarah Birmingham Drummond '93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- "Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic." By Emily Judd '19 M.A.R.
- "Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society." By Jeffrey Haggray '88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- "The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing." By Casey Cep '13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- "The Cure for What Ails Us." By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- "A Prayer for Our Time." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- "Faith makes a difference." A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- "God knows no social distance." A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- "Take courage." By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- "Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei." By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- " ... and I feel fine," Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond '93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- "The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth." By Nathan Dove '18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- "Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires." Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas '13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- "FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying." By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets '75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- "How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?" By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- "Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger." Reflections magazine, 2016
- “Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year.” Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- “Exploring Online Liturgy.” Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- “A Red Cross Chaplain’s Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife.” Video message from Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- “How to use our human nature to create a better world.” Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith ‘21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
“Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic.” A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
“Life and Death Decisions.” YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
“A Love Letter to God.” Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger ‘76 M.Div, ‘84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
“Health Care as a Moral Imperative.” A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm ‘17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
“@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer.” YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart’s Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
“What is A Holy Space?” Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler ‘82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
“Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.” A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
“Beauty and Joy.” Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
“Two Tombs.” An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
“Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing.” Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis ‘15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
“How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering.” An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS “Quadcast,” March 27, 2020
“Digital Worship.” An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
“Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?” A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R.
“Prophetic Listening.” Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- “Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic.” Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer ‘84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- “Six predictions for the post-pandemic church.” Article by Peter Marty ‘85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- “Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19.” Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- “ ‘No man is an island’ … “ Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- “The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should.” Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz ‘10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- “Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist.” Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- “Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’” Article on Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- “Compared to What?” Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- “What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes.” Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- “Raising the Coronavirus generation.” Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- “Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future.” Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- “Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus.” Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd ‘98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- “Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end.” Commentary by Emily Scott ‘06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- “The Paradox of Isolation.” Article by Jason Craige Harris ‘12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- “A call for moral leadership.” A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones ‘85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- “Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times.” YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry ‘10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- “The Last Anointing.” Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- “Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry.” KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- “Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge.” Article on Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- “The Grace of Being Seen.” Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- “Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing.” Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- “Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic.” Article by Ellen Koneck ‘16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Article by Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- “Inside.” A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell ‘18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- “Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings.” Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- “It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death.” An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- “Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- “How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?” By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- “Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- “The Hell of Holy Saturday.” By Shelly Rambo ‘99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- “Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling.” YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- “Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling.” Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- “Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet.” By Mahogany Thomas ‘20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- “Pity Parties.” By Sarah Birmingham Drummond ‘93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic.” By Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R.
- “Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society.” By Jeffrey Haggray ‘88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- “The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing.” By Casey Cep ‘13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- “The Cure for What Ails Us.” By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- “A Prayer for Our Time.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- “Faith makes a difference.” A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- “God knows no social distance.” A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- “Take courage.” By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- “Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei.” By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- ” … and I feel fine,” Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond ‘93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- “The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth.” By Nathan Dove ‘18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- “Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires.” Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas ‘13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- “FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- “How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?” By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- “Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger.” Reflections magazine, 2016
Read the Spring 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Read the Spring 2020 issue of Reflections magazine.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => "Hard Times, Gospel Values" [format] => [safe_value] => "Hard Times, Gospel Values" ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => "Hard Times, Gospel Values" ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Array ( [#printed] => 1 )
- “Theologian Discusses How Christmas Brings Light To A Dark Year.” Interview with Professor Eboni Marshall Turman, National Public Radio, December 19, 2020
- “Exploring Online Liturgy.” Video interview with YDS Professor Teresa Berger by the Global Network for Digital Theology, November 9, 2020
- “A Red Cross Chaplain’s Advice for Comforting Others in Times of Strife.” Video message from Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., September 17, 2020
- “How to use our human nature to create a better world.” Yale Divinity Quadcast conversation between Mecca Griffith ‘21 M.Div. and Christian ethics professor Jennifer Herdt, September 15, 2020
“Weeping, Waiting, and Working with God in the Pandemic.” A podcast conversation between N.T. Wright and YDS Professor Miroslav Volf, July 18, 2020
“Life and Death Decisions.” YDS faculty panel discussion of the ethical issues posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, May 26, 2020
“A Love Letter to God.” Grace Forum Online video conversation with Katherine Sonderegger ‘76 M.Div, ‘84 S.T.M., May 14, 2020
“Health Care as a Moral Imperative.” A Zoom webinar featuring Allyson McKinney Timm ‘17 M.Div., May 14, 2020
“@Worship Goes Viral: 2020 & The Proliferation of Online Prayer.” YDS Professor Teresa Berger on the St. Bart’s Church YouTube channel, May 3, 2020
“What is A Holy Space?” Video sermon by YDS/BDS alumnus Sam Candler ‘82 M.Div., April 28, 2020
“Ramadan in the time of COVID-19.” A video conversation between YDS Lecturer Abdul-Rehman Malik and ISM Director Martin Jean, April 23, 2020
“Beauty and Joy.” Video podcast interview with YDS Professor Mary Clark Moschella, EileenCampbellReed.org, April 20, 2020
“Two Tombs.” An Easter message from Dean Greg Sterling, YDS YouTube channel, April 11, 2020
“Facing the Challenges of Pastoral Care in a Time of Social Distancing.” Video podcast featuring Anthony DeBonis ‘15 M.A.R., Interfaith Center of New York, April 6, 2020
“How to Find Joy in a Time of Suffering.” An interview with Professor Mary Moschella on the YDS “Quadcast,” March 27, 2020
“Digital Worship.” An online conversation between ISM Director Martin Jean and Professor Teresa Berger, March 21, 2020
“Coronavirus & Quarantine: What Big Questions Can We Be Asking?” A Veritas Forum panel featuring medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R.
“Prophetic Listening.” Interview with YDS Professor Mary Moschella, Eileen Campbell-Reed podcast, March 16, 2020
- “Grief is a way of loving: Pastoral theology for a pandemic.” Article by YDS Professor Joyce Mercer ‘84 M.Div., Presbyterian Outlook, March 24, 2021
- “Six predictions for the post-pandemic church.” Article by Peter Marty ‘85 M.Div., The Christian Century, March 10, 2021
- “Community healing: Divinity alums merge faith and public health in face of COVID-19.” Article on YDS graduates leading COVID response in Memphis, YaleNews, March 1, 2021
- “ ‘No man is an island’ … “ Commentary by Berkeley Divinity School Dean Andrew McGowan on Christmas during pandemic, Religion News Service, December 22, 2020
- “The Supreme Court ruled you have the right to worship in person. That doesn’t mean you should.” Commentary in America magazine by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz ‘10 M.A.R., Center for Faith & Culture at YDS, December 11, 2020.
- “Virtual worship is still embodied liturgy, says this Yale liturgist.” Interview with Professor Teresa Berer, U.S. Catholic, December 10, 2020
- “Alumna sparks conversation on a neglected but urgent subject: ‘The lost art of dying.’” Article on Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., September 7, 2020
- “Compared to What?” Article by Andover Newton at YDS Dean Sarah Drummond on teaching her hybrid course, Medium, September 4, 2020
- “What do pandemics change? An antidote to platitudes.” Article by Berkeley/YDS Lecturer Gabrielle Thomas in Theos, August 20, 2020
- “Raising the Coronavirus generation.” Sojourners article showcasing insight from YDS Professor Almeda Wright, September/October 2020 edition
- “Could COVID-19 inspire the faithful? Scholars predict spirituality surge in our future.” Philadelphia Inquirer article featuring insights from YDS Dean Greg Sterling, August 1, 2020
- “Cleveland congregation’s $100 bills create a ripple effect during coronavirus.” Article on an innovative project at the church pastored by Kelly Burd ‘98 M.Div., UCC.org., July 10, 2020
- “Start Looking, and You’ll See Roads All Over the Bible: The pandemic has scattered us from our communal rituals but that isn’t where our journey should end.” Commentary by Emily Scott ‘06 M.Div., New York Times, July 19, 2020
- “The Paradox of Isolation.” Article by Jason Craige Harris ‘12 M.A.R. in Friends Journal, June 12, 2020
- “A call for moral leadership.” A joint statement by Dean Greg Sterling and five other heads of divinity schools and seminaries including Serene Jones ‘85 M.Div., June 23, 2020
- “Theologian Teresa Berger on the power of digital worship in our times.” YaleNews, June 23, 2020
- “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times.” Interview with Rev. Dr. Neichelle Guidry ‘10 M.Div., Medium, June 16, 2020
- “The Last Anointing.” Article in the New York Times on Catholic last rites in a time of pandemic, with comments by YDS Professor Teresa Berger, June 6, 2020
- “Christian Wiman: Seeking truth and strength through poetry.” KCRW-FM, Santa Monica, Calif., May 30, 2020
- “Learning to love lay-led liturgies in quarantine.” Article in America magazine featuring insights from YDS professor Teresa Berger, May 22, 2020
- “Rev. Streets Lays Down The Covid-19 Spiritual Challenge.” Article on Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Independent, May 22, 2020
- “The Grace of Being Seen.” Article by YDS Lecturer Paul Kolbet ’94 M.Div., ’95 S.T.M., Covenant magazine, May 15, 2020
- “Liturgists say online Mass is fine, but no substitute for the real thing.” Article with comments from Professor Teresa Berger, Crux magazine, May 9, 2020
- “Living with pre-grief amid a pandemic.” Article by Ellen Koneck ‘16 M.A.R., America magazine, May 4, 2020
- “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel.” Article by Earl Johnson ‘76 M.Div., Authority Magazine at Medium, April 30, 2020
- “Inside.” A reflection on worship in the time of pandemic by Silvia Gosnell ‘18 M.A.R., published at the Institute of Sacred Music, April 28, 2020
- “Imagining a Shared Economy: An Interview with Willie Jennings.” Reflections magazine, Spring 2020
- “It’s Time We Learned to Talk about Death.” An interview with medical ethicist Lydia Dugdale ‘18 M.A.R., Religion & Politics, April 21, 2020
- “Inescapable Lessons Offer Invaluable Opportunities: Earth Day 50th & COVID19.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., SNEUCC website blog, April 16, 2020
- “How should we draw on the Christian tradition during Covid-19?” By YDS/Berkeley faculty member Gabby Thomas, SCM Press blog, April 17, 2020
- “Safely Honoring the Dead During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” An article in U.S. News with extensive quotations from Professor Teresa Berger, April 16, 2020
- “The Hell of Holy Saturday.” By Shelly Rambo ‘99 S.T.M., Christian Century, April 7, 2020
- “Yale leaders talk about COVID-19: Divinity School Dean Gregory E. Sterling.” YaleNews, April 7, 2020
- “Hope: A message from Dean Greg Sterling.” Yale Divinity School, April 6, 2020
- “Must I Become a Digital Pastor? Maybe. Or Not Yet.” By Mahogany Thomas ‘20 M.Div., Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Crisis Can Help Us Reorient What We Prize.” By Jim Antal ‘78 M.Div., Sojourners, March 26, 2020
- “Pity Parties.” By Sarah Birmingham Drummond ‘93 B.A., Dean of Andover Newton at YDS, Medium, April 3, 2020
- “Inspiring interfaith moments during the coronavirus pandemic.” By Emily Judd ‘19 M.A.R.
- “Our national homework assignment—Beginning to envision a just and inclusive society.” By Jeffrey Haggray ‘88 M.Div., The Christian Citizen, April 1, 2020
- “The Gospel in a Time of Social Distancing.” By Casey Cep ‘13 M.Div., New Yorker, March 29, 2020
- “The Cure for What Ails Us.” By Lydia Dugdale 18 M.A.R., First Things, March 20, 2020
- “A Prayer for Our Time.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., published on the YDS Facebook page, March 23, 2020
- “Faith makes a difference.” A message from Yale Divinity School Dean Greg Sterling, March 22, 2020
- “God knows no social distance.” A message to the Berkeley Divinity School at YDS community from Acting Dean Cathy George, March 16, 2020
- “Take courage.” By the Rev. Dr. Mara LaSala, New Haven Register, March 22, 2020
- “Reflecting on the ethic of Imago Dei.” By Tom Krattenmaker, Sojourners, March 20, 2020
- ” … and I feel fine,” Tips for living with coronavirus anxiety by Sarah Drummond ‘93 B.A., Medium, March 20, 2020
- “The first rule of pastoring during an outbreak: Tell the truth.” By Nathan Dove ‘18 M.Div. Sojourners, March 9, 2020
- “Still room for healing, 40 years after devastating Hoboken fires.” Article on the Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas ‘13 M.Div., NJ.com, March 15,2020
- “FAITH MATTERS: Tolerance of religious diversity can be unifying.” By the Rev. Dr. Jerry Streets ‘75 M.Div., New Haven Register, March 15, 2020
- “How do I pray – when my hometown has become the site of a mass-shooting?” By YDS/ISM Professor Teresa Berger, Pray Tell blog, February 20, 2020
- “Renew The Grieving World”: An Interview with Teresa Berger.” Reflections magazine, 2016
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 221313 [uid] => 26 [title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 65821 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1584543907 [changed] => 1617647840 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1617647840 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>Yale Divinity School and our partners on Sterling Divinity Quadrangle are providing resources for virtual worship, spiritual support, and hope through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This page will grow and evolve as the situation unfolds. Check back frequently and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
A message from Dean Greg Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are living through unprecedented times with the quickly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. At YDS, we dedicate ourselves to fostering community here at our campus home and to educating future leaders who will build supportive and affirming communities wherever their paths may take them. Wherever you are right now, and irrespective of the type of vocation you are pursuing in your life and career, know that we hold you and each other in prayer and solidarity and offer encouragement as you work to bring your community through this crisis. Together, we can help limit the spread of the virus and foster well-being in our communities.
With our best wishes and prayers from the Quad,
Gregory E. Sterling
[safe_summary] => ) ) ) [field_office_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 19 [entity] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 238373 [uid] => 26 [title] => Communications Office [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 19 [type] => office [language] => und [created] => 1444933701 [changed] => 1721852989 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1721852989 [revision_uid] => 14 [field_email] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [email] => tom.krattenmaker@yale.edu ) ) ) [field_link] => Array ( ) [field_user_reference] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 26 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 14 ) ) ) [field_telephone_number] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => (203) 436-8379 ) ) ) [field_fax] => Array ( ) [field_landing_page_ref] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 53116 ) ) ) 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[callback] => date_iso8601 ) ) [path] => Array ( [pathauto] => 1 ) [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1584543907 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 26 [comment_count] => 0 [menu_node_links] => Array ( [12392] => stdClass Object ( [menu_name] => menu-header-utility-menu [mlid] => 12392 [plid] => 12391 [link_path] => node/65821 [router_path] => node/% [link_title] => Resources for theological reflection and spiritual support [options] => a:3:{s:10:"#menu_name";s:24:"menu-header-utility-menu";s:10:"attributes";a:0:{}s:15:"item_attributes";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:5:"class";s:0:"";s:5:"style";s:0:"";}} [module] => menu [hidden] => 0 [external] => 0 [has_children] => 0 [expanded] => 0 [weight] => -49 [depth] => 5 [customized] => 1 [p1] => 4896 [p2] => 4916 [p3] => 12627 [p4] => 12391 [p5] => 12392 [p6] => 0 [p7] => 0 [p8] => 0 [p9] => 0 [updated] => 0 ) ) [name] => Tom Krattenmaker [picture] => 0 [data] => a:6:{s:16:"ckeditor_default";s:1:"t";s:20:"ckeditor_show_toggle";s:1:"t";s:14:"ckeditor_width";s:4:"100%";s:13:"ckeditor_lang";s:2:"en";s:18:"ckeditor_auto_lang";s:1:"t";s:7:"overlay";i:1;} [workbench_access] => Array ( [526] => 526 ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 65821 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => 221313 [hostEntityType:protected] => node [hostEntityBundle:protected] => landing_page [langcode] => und [item_id] => 1205 [revision_id] => 26124 [field_name] => field_landing_page_paragraphs [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [fetchedHostEntityDetails:ParagraphsItemEntity:private] => 1 [entityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => ParagraphsItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => paragraphs_item [revision table] => paragraphs_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => bundle [field_name] => field_name [language] => langcode ) [module] => paragraphs [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [paragraphs_editor_preview] => Array ( [label] => Paragraphs Editor Preview [custom settings] => 1 ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [bundle keys] => Array ( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page I