There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn’s residential program; UConn’s online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick “Jerry” Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.

I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 237780 [uid] => 7316 [title] => Joint Master of Social Work Degree [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 61521 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1531229990 [changed] => 1718628427 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1718628427 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn's residential program; UConn's online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick "Jerry" Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn’s residential program; UConn’s online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick “Jerry” Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
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[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
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[field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Mia Tabib [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1270 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1110 [revision_id] => 38914 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity 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[field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75535 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13459 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748565 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => headshot [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Jamal Davis Neal Jr. [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Array ( [#printed] => 1 )

I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 237780 [uid] => 7316 [title] => Joint Master of Social Work Degree [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 61521 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1531229990 [changed] => 1718628427 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1718628427 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn's residential program; UConn's online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick "Jerry" Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn’s residential program; UConn’s online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick “Jerry” Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
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( [bundle] => bundle ) [access callback] => paragraphs_item_access [metadata controller class] => ParagraphsItemMetadataController [bundles] => Array ( [decorative_links_listing] => Array ( [label] => Decorative Links Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/decorative-links-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_upcoming] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - Upcoming Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-upcoming [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_calendars_yds_subject] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Calendars - YDS Subject Events [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-calendars-yds-subject [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Identity Images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_instagram] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Instagram - follow and recent six items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-instagram [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_media_feeds] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Media Feeds [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-media-feeds [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_news] => Array ( [label] => Home Page News - recent one and four [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-news [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [home_page_twitter] => Array ( [label] => Home Page Twitter - hash tag/follow and recent three [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/home-page-twitter [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [image_video_attraction] => Array ( [label] => Home Page - Image Video Attraction [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/image-video-attraction [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_component_numbers] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Numbers Component [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-component-numbers [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_decorative_text_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Decorative Text List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-decorative-text-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_menu_link_listing] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Menu Link Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-menu-link-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [incontent_office_people_list] => Array ( [label] => Incontent - Office People List [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/incontent-office-people-list [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [in_content_view_interface] => Array ( [label] => View Interface [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/in-content-view-interface [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [pullout_quote] => Array ( [label] => Pullout Quote [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/pullout-quote [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [running_text] => Array ( [label] => Running Text [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/running-text [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [simple_children_listing] => Array ( [label] => Simple Children Listing [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/simple-children-listing [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Testimonial Carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [three_item_sec_attraction_grid] => Array ( [label] => Three Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/three-item-sec-attraction-grid [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [two_item_secondary_attraction_gr] => Array ( [label] => Two Item Secondary Attraction Grid [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/%paragraphs_bundle [real path] => admin/structure/paragraphs/two-item-secondary-attraction-gr [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer paragraphs bundles ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => paragraphs_item_load [translation] => Array ( ) [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [bundle] => varchar [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => bundle [3] => field_name [4] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => paragraphs_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [bundle] => decorative_links_listing [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1110 [revision_id] => 38914 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1270 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1110 [revision_id] => 38914 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75535 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13459 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748565 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => headshot [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Jamal Davis Neal Jr. [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 1111 [revision_id] => 38915 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 1112 [revision_id] => 38916 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => [hostEntityId:protected] => [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1112 [revision_id] => 38916 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75537 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => 05-mia_tabib_060123_38-250x250.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/05-mia_tabib_060123_38-250x250.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9159 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748932 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Mia Tabib [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1270 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1111 [revision_id] => 38915 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75536 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => 08-laurel_mccormack_060723_28-2.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/08-laurel_mccormack_060723_28-2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 125720 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748932 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => headshot [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1200 [width] => 1200 ) [height] => 1200 [width] => 1200 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Laurel McCormack [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Array ( [#printed] => 1 )

I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
Array ( [#theme] => field [#weight] => 0 [#title] => Decorative Link Heading [#access] => 1 [#label_display] => hidden [#view_mode] => full [#language] => und [#field_name] => field_decorative_link_heading [#field_type] => text [#field_translatable] => 0 [#entity_type] => field_collection_item [#bundle] => field_decorative_link_items [#object] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => stdClass Object ( [vid] => 237780 [uid] => 7316 [title] => Joint Master of Social Work Degree [log] => [status] => 1 [comment] => 1 [promote] => 0 [sticky] => 0 [ds_switch] => [nid] => 61521 [type] => landing_page [language] => und [created] => 1531229990 [changed] => 1718628427 [tnid] => 0 [translate] => 0 [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [revision_timestamp] => 1718628427 [revision_uid] => 26 [body] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>
There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn's residential program; UConn's online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick "Jerry" Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
[summary] => [format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>There is a national need for those with expertise in both divinity and social work to fill positions of service and leadership in churches, social welfare agencies, and the wider society. The joint M.Div./M.S.W. degree program equips skilled professionals to integrate theological, spiritual, pastoral, and social work knowledge and skills in promoting social and environmental justice, healing, and human flourishing in a variety of professional practice settings, both locally and globally.
- YDS students may apply for a joint M.S.W. degree through the University of Connecticut’s School of Social Work. (The YDS joint-degree program requires that students enroll in UConn’s residential program; UConn’s online social work program not eligible.)
- Candidates for the joint-degree program may be eligible to count up to the equivalent of one term’s credit hours at the other school to satisfy course work in each program.
- In most cases, the period of study required to complete the two degrees is less (usually by one year) than would be required to complete those degrees if they were pursued independently.
- Field education/supervised ministry may be coordinated between the two programs.
Students interested in pursuing a joint M.Div./M.S.W. are encouraged to apply to the UConn program at the start of the application period in the fall. For more information on the joint program, please contact the YDS Admissions Office and visit UConn’s School of Social Work website.
Yale Divinity School is one of 20 partner institutions in the three-year $35 million CT Health Horizons initiative to address shortages of nurses and social workers in Connecticut.
For more information and answers to your questions, contact Vernice “Hopie” Randall, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at Yale Divinity School, or Frederick “Jerry” Streets, Adjunct Associate Professor of Divinity and Social Work,
News announcement: Jerry Streets appointed to lead social work joint-degree program
Frederick (Jerry) Streets has a distinguished career as a parish minister and faculty member in graduate theological and social work education. A pastoral counselor, licensed clinical social worker, and member of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Dr. Streets has worked with the clergy, primary care, and mental health professionals delivering pastoral care and clinical social work services in the United States, Bosnia, Italy, and South Africa. He is the former Chaplain of Yale University and Senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Practical Theology and the Department of Social Work and Criminology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Student and Alumni Comments
Meet a current student and two graduates who are completing, or have completed, the joint degree.
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[admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75535 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/jamal_neal_060523_49-300x300.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 13459 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748565 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => headshot [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) [height] => 300 [width] => 300 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Jamal Davis Neal Jr. '24 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was interested in developing therapeutic skills while also thinking through how to provide people with religious literacy as a component of community programming. It’s so critical that people think through their own development of spiritual identities, especially in a world that wants us to be leading increasingly individual and separate lives.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Jamal Davis Neal Jr. [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [value] => 1111 [revision_id] => 38915 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object ( [fieldInfo:protected] => [hostEntity:protected] => ParagraphsItemEntity Object *RECURSION* [hostEntityId:protected] => 1270 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1111 [revision_id] => 38915 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75536 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => 08-laurel_mccormack_060723_28-2.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/08-laurel_mccormack_060723_28-2.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 125720 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748932 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => headshot [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 1200 [width] => 1200 ) [height] => 1200 [width] => 1200 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Laurel McCormack '23 M.Div., '22 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I was already doing social work-oriented jobs, but I had not had a lot of training…I wasn’t sure that what I was doing was aligned with a wider set of practices that are time-tested.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Laurel McCormack [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [value] => 1112 [revision_id] => 38916 [field_collection] => FieldCollectionItemEntity Object *RECURSION* ) ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [hostEntityId:protected] => 1270 [hostEntityRevisionId:protected] => [hostEntityType:protected] => paragraphs_item [langcode:protected] => und [item_id] => 1112 [revision_id] => 38916 [field_name] => field_decorative_link_items [default_revision] => 1 [archived] => 0 [entityType:protected] => field_collection_item [entityInfo:protected] => Array ( [label] => Field collection item [label callback] => entity_class_label [uri callback] => entity_class_uri [entity class] => FieldCollectionItemEntity [controller class] => EntityAPIController [base table] => field_collection_item [revision table] => field_collection_item_revision [fieldable] => 1 [redirect] => [entity keys] => Array ( [id] => item_id [revision] => revision_id [bundle] => field_name ) [module] => field_collection [view modes] => Array ( [full] => Array ( [label] => Full content [custom settings] => ) [ical] => Array ( [label] => iCal [custom settings] => ) [diff_standard] => Array ( [label] => Revision comparison [custom settings] => ) [token] => Array ( [label] => Tokens [custom settings] => ) ) [access callback] => field_collection_item_access [deletion callback] => field_collection_item_delete [metadata controller class] => FieldCollectionItemMetadataController [translation] => Array ( [entity_translation] => Array ( [class] => EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler [base path] => field-collection/field-decorative-link-items/%field_collection_item [path wildcard] => %field_collection_item [default_scheme] => field_decorative_link_items [path schemes] => Array ( [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-manual-link-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-home-page-identity-images/%field_collection_item ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-testimonial-carousel/%field_collection_item ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-gold-accent-grid-item/%field_collection_item ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [base path] => field-collection/field-number-blocks/%field_collection_item ) ) ) ) [bundles] => Array ( [field_decorative_link_items] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_decorative_link_items [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-decorative-link-items [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_manual_link_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_manual_link_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-manual-link-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_home_page_identity_images] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_home_page_identity_images [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-home-page-identity-images [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_testimonial_carousel] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_testimonial_carousel [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-testimonial-carousel [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_gold_accent_grid_item] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_gold_accent_grid_item [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-gold-accent-grid-item [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) [field_number_blocks] => Array ( [label] => Field collection field_number_blocks [admin] => Array ( [path] => admin/structure/field-collections/%field_collection_field_name [real path] => admin/structure/field-collections/field-number-blocks [bundle argument] => 3 [access arguments] => Array ( [0] => administer field collections ) ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) ) ) [static cache] => 1 [field cache] => 1 [load hook] => field_collection_item_load [base table field types] => Array ( [item_id] => serial [revision_id] => int [field_name] => varchar [archived] => int ) [schema_fields_sql] => Array ( [base table] => Array ( [0] => item_id [1] => revision_id [2] => field_name [3] => archived ) [revision table] => Array ( [0] => revision_id [1] => item_id ) ) [token type] => field_collection_item [configuration] => ) [idKey:protected] => item_id [nameKey:protected] => item_id [statusKey:protected] => status [defaultLabel:protected] => [wrapper:protected] => [field_decorative_link_image] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fid] => 75537 [uid] => 7316 [filename] => 05-mia_tabib_060123_38-250x250.jpg [uri] => public://landing-page--decorative-link-image/05-mia_tabib_060123_38-250x250.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 9159 [status] => 1 [timestamp] => 1705748932 [type] => image [rh_action] => [rh_redirect] => [rh_redirect_response] => [field_file_image_alt_text] => Array ( ) [field_file_image_title_text] => Array ( ) [_drafty_revision_requested] => FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [title] => [alt] => [metadata] => Array ( [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) [height] => 250 [width] => 250 ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_heading] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) ) [field_decorative_link_descriptio] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
[format] => filtered_html [safe_value] =>I wanted a community where I’m able to ask meaningful questions about what it means to be a human being in relation to others and what it means to heal, both individually and in a community. I jumped on it when my professors said there’s this track you can do. It’s everything I want to do with my life.
) ) ) [field_decorative_link] => Array ( [und] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => [title] => Profile on Mia Tabib [attributes] => Array ( ) [html] => 1 [display_url] => ) ) ) [field_heading_level] => Array ( ) [rdf_mapping] => Array ( ) [entity_view_prepared] => 1 ) [#items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) [format] => [safe_value] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) ) [#formatter] => text_default [0] => Array ( [#markup] => Mia Tabib '20 M.Div., '20 M.S.W. (UConn.) ) [#post_render] => Array ( [colectomy] => colectomy_post_render ) [#printed] => 1 [#children] =>Array ( [#printed] => 1 )